
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 647 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hmmm....where shall i begin with my flame....Uhhhh.... how about this latest post makes me think of only ONE thing; "Firesale" ring a bell.
Let's see if we can fool more of these folks into paying us while we ruin the hard work and hours of game play, and fees they paid, so that we can make the noobs more powerfull then they ever could have been if they had started with the older players.
1. Great idea...we'll sell tickets to a gambling game that will give them high power weps without the risk to get them like the older playeers had to face.
2. Well even make it so that people can BUY experiance points on this game!! Yea Great Idea
Oh, we made some people mad so they're not paying us anymore
Welllll as P.T. Barnum said "There's a sucker born every minuet" so they'll still pay us
bots, RSGP Miners, whooo carreesss....they're STILL paying they're fees aren't they!

30-Aug-2012 05:50:59

Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Posts: 474 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The following wall of text is very sarcastic and some may find it mean. I have no intention of offending anyone however. If there is a problem, let me know and I will reword/remove the offending piece.
" We've had lot of feedback on two recent RuneScape updates in particular: Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's General Store."
Oh? Oh really? What happened to "it's only a vocal minority that are giving you feedback?"
What happened to "The majority of players support SoF because they spin it?". Anyway, I'm glad you've decided to let everyone know that you knew you were lying all those times. It's a baby step in the right direction.
"we’re making sure that we do not undermine what makes it the adventure game that millions of us, worldwide, enjoy on a daily basis"
Yea na. No you're not. Don't even TRY to feed me that. I don't know if you realise, but I've actually seen what you're doing. I've actually played the game. Or maybe you're not talking about RuneScape? You know, the game that you can spend real world money for chances to get gold, xp and tradable items? The one that prior to April 6th, contained this piece of text?
" We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
"what we’re doing to improve on what we’ve launched so far"
I hope you aren't talking about SoF and SGS. You screwed up 2 days ago when you added bank space to SGS. I had absolutely no problem with SGS until you did that. 100% cosmetic was the right way to do it. But you screwed it up. The only way to 'improve' these things, is to remove them. And I know you can. You've done it before in the name of 'improving'. Remember Free Trade? And the wilderness? You did a pretty good job at removing things that didn't need to be removed then, so how about you try that on things that DO need to be removed?

30-Aug-2012 05:51:01 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 06:03:31 by Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Posts: 474 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Since RuneScape has been around for over 11 years, we naturally take extreme care when introducing significant changes to its gameplay."
So you didn't 'take extreme care' before? Because it was a 'newer' game? Ah. You must be talking about SoF and SGS. Yes, I can see you've been taking extreme care to get as much profit from these changes as possible. Well in that case, may I suggest taking less care? And by less, I mean 'none at all'. Like when you didn't sell gold, xp and tradable items. You were quite obviously doing SOMETHING right when you were doing that.
"In the case of the Squeal and Solomon’s Store, this has been no different. We have thought out and carefully quantified the impact of these updates on the overall game, and have been looking anxiously at feedback from all of our community"
See that? That's wrong. It's all backwards. You're implementing things into the game and THEN waiting for feedback. Why aren't you getting feedback on an idea and THEN implementing it into the game? I don't understand. Oh wait, yes I do. Because nobody would've wanted it. And if you had still put it in, it would've looked like even more of a jerk move than it does now.
"micro-payments are often associated with their potential to undermine the integrity of games"
Yes! Yes they are! I'm very glad that someone has noticed this. So now that a problem has been identified, how about fixing it?
"many players have questioned whether RuneScape is heading down this tragic route"
We're long past that stage buddy. That was back when you started offering promotional items with game cards. Now players aren't questioning it. They're watching it burn.
"I want to say, categorically, that we will not go down this road"
Uuuh...Maybe the players and you guys are thinking of completely different 'roads' then. You can't be talking about the one you're dragging everyone kicking and screaming down. Because you know, were already almost at the end of it.

30-Aug-2012 05:51:15 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 05:54:58 by Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Posts: 474 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"the introduction of micro-payments to RuneScape has a significant role in ensuring that we can continue to support, develop and grow the game for many more years to come."
Is that what IVP has told you to say? It's not that bad. It's even perfectly logical and reasonable. Just look at games like TF2 and DoTA2. Oh wait. They're completely free to play? The players don't have to pay monthly subscription fees? Don't have to buy the game itself? They can obtain all the cosmetic items without having to buy them if they don't want to?
Are you seeing what I'm getting at here? You have one or the other. Not both, you greedy miscreants. You could get away with both, but not the way you're doing it now. Get rid of unfair, buyable advantages. Keep the micro-transactions purely cosmetic. That way, nobody should feel pressured to pay money to keep up with people that are.
"we have a strong track record of making decisions in this area that we know may be sub-optimal, commercially speaking, but represent our values. For example, we know that directly selling gold, XP or even accounts would generate between 10 to 15 times more revenue. However, we simply won’t do it"
That is not an example of a strong track record. That is an example of things to come. I do not believe for a SECOND that you will not directly sell these things. You're already indirectly selling gold and xp.
And why should I believe you? I seem to remember many occasions where you've said "We won't do that" only to turn around and take a gigantic turd on us. For example: "We will not release any more discontinued tradable items." Well then explain the Fish Mask to me. I dare you.

30-Aug-2012 05:51:33

Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Posts: 474 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"our past initiatives against botting and gold farming cost us millions of players, and certainly tens of millions of dollars"
Botters and gold farmers are not people. They are programs. You did not lose any 'players' because they weren't 'playing' the game.
You DID however, lose a lot of money. But guess whose fault that is? Who let the situation get so out of hand? That's right, you did. ACTUAL players had been asking for you to control the bot situation for YEARS. Had you listened to us at the beginning, you would not have lost all that money. But of course, you would have received a lot less money from those potential botters, and that's not ideal for you is it? You'd much rather let the situation get steadily worse while making more and more money, and then try and dump it on the players. "It's YOUR fault we lost all this money, YOU wanted us to get rid of the bots. Now we have to add things like SoF and SGS to make up for that loss in profit and you can't complain about it."
"we are one of the few games studios in the world that prizes the integrity of the game and health of our community over commercial returns"
Correction: You 'WERE' one of the few games studios in the world that prized the integrity of the game and health of our community over commercial returns.
"Over the past 18 months, we have ploughed the majority of our revenue back into the game to guarantee its future over the decade to come"
That doesn't mean anything. You've done this every year since RuneScape began. You don't sit there and spend none of your revenue on RuneScape. Nicely worded though. People that don't know what 'Revenue' means or realise that you have to use most of the money you make on the game to make it better, to then make more money etc will gobble those words right up. What happened approximately 18 months ago? Oh that's right, you canned MechScape/Stellar Dawn. And it cost you tens of millions of pounds.
You sure do seem to like wasting money.

30-Aug-2012 05:51:54 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 12:33:06 by Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Posts: 474 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"We have literally doubled the size of the RuneScape team"
Cool. I can tell because you've literally doubled the content updates. Haha oh wait no you haven't.
"This week, you should notice a significant reduction in gold farmer spam."
This is good. No sarcasm at all. It's still quite a bit late though.
"Over the course of the next few weeks, we will not only be launching our most comprehensive and formidable anti-bot update"
This is also good. But how long will it last? Clusterflutterer lasted only a month or two. Is this the future? One or two months a year with less bots?
"significant upgrade to their accounts' security to protect against phishing and hijacking"
I read someone say that this is a stupid update as only people looking for bots/ gold selling websites and idiots fall for phishing/get hijacked. I've played for over 7 years now, and not once have I been hacked. And guess what? I've never tried to buy gold either. Or went looking for bots. Or used any third party software. So I agree with this person.
If on the other hand, you have been hacked without doing any of these, may I suggest having an asterisk-word other than pass123? And how about actually setting those recovery questions? And setting a bank pin that is not 9999? And how about you use some common sense while surfing the web and acquire a decent anti-virus? If you can't do any of that, you should not be on the internet and it's your own problem if you get hacked. Jagex shouldn't have to waste time doing anything to cater to you.
"Our passion and dedication to the game and community has never changed; nor will it"
Please stop pretending.
"We really appreciate the support and trust you have put in us over the last 5 years"
Yep. Just the last 5 years. When you started mucking things up. You didn't need to appreciate it before then, because you knew what you were doing was amazing. Too bad that changed.

30-Aug-2012 05:52:07 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 06:10:48 by Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Gloooo Flumo

Posts: 474 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"although some of our decisions are not necessarily popular - they are 100% driven by the aim of building the strongest possible future for RuneScape."
Oh I agree. I think doing updates that require a front page response from the CEO of Jagex regarding massive amounts of unrest in the community just PROVE you're trying to build the strongest possible future for RuneScape. (Drowning in sarcasm here for all you denslings)
"The management team defining the strategy and roadmap today are the exact same passionate gamers that have been at the helm for over half the product's existence"
Half the products existence? So about 2006 then. I wonder if that is a coincidence. (No I don't) I hope so, because if it isn't, you're practically naming and shaming. And that's not very nice.
Now onto the seemingly obligatory digression. "Look at all these neato things coming! Please don't unsubscribe!"
Draw distance.
Sure, it looks nice. But is it really practical? As it stands, you can't really walk around with the screen at ground level without getting your view blocked by trees and the like. Don't misunderstand here, I like the trees. But really, what's the use?
I can see in the Java and HTML5 comparison that it looks like you've zoomed out from the character. Now THAT is practical. I can see how increasing draw distance would be beneficial in that case. But that first screenshot...the draw distance is a tad ridiculous don't you think? Unless you can zoom out to see it all from a top down view (Which would still be ridiculous).

30-Aug-2012 05:52:26



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am on the forums right now because I still cant get on to "play" as my computer since the new java upload hates my computer when playing rs. ... But I want to just say, I play rs mostly as a rogue, no clans , I don't buy to skill nor do I own a "special cape" yet. I play for relaxation, no drama, I have played rs between 4 to almost 5 years. I've enjoyed many changes and some not so. But never have I seen so much gambling, begging, spamming, gold selling, and ripping off people then I have in the last year and half. ..Not sure why. ... But I have also seen lots of folks who also have played for many years not being happy. My question is .. do ya make the long standing members a little bit happy or do ya rake in the short time players and let them do as they want? ... I dont think this is a flame but a real question.

30-Aug-2012 05:55:56

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