They ARE selling xp.....u can buy squeel tickets and then u get mostly xp lamps as prizes...or u get resources that can b used to gain xp.
it's STILL selling xp.
Thanks for replying for you, but i only have been reassured at one thing:
You guys are epic at avoiding questions.
As for microtrans being good for rs, I have another word for you.
Great content you are working on, though
^Elven, A Concerned Player^
Yep. I stayed quite every single update. Never complaining about anything. Even when I quit, I never complained. But I miss RuneScape. I miss how it was before. So I spent a good couple of days researching (Couldn't put my findings in my posts or references. Mods won't let me.) and have ended up typing that. I'm waiting to get told I was flaming now.
"Yep. I stayed quite every single update. Never complaining about anything. Even when I quit, I never complained. But I miss RuneScape. I miss how it was before. So I spent a good couple of days researching (Couldn't put my findings in my posts or references. Mods won't let me.) and have ended up typing that. I'm waiting to get told I was flaming now."
If they do, RuneScape has no future.