
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 238 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well said. I do not believe your game is dying, nor will it.
Although I've quit this game for a better MMoRPG that was a really professional way to put things. Every game has Micro-Transactions. And no other company would take a hit like that Financially(The bot Nuke) Just for the players.

`A 2k1 Scaper.

30-Aug-2012 17:56:49



Posts: 476 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To all the Jagex staff,
I so desperately want to believe what Mod MMG has written in this post, but I simply don't trust you anymore. You have ignored your player base for so long and really quite simply lost the respect of the majority of your players. Just take a stroll around the forums and take a gander yourselves at what your own paying customers are saying.. people are fed up of this crap, and an alarming number of players deeply despise you and hate the direction you are taking this game.
You are NOT doing what you feel is best for the game and for everybody who plays it - you are doing what is best for your own financial gain and what you hope will attract the greatest number of 12 and 13 year olds with access to Mommy and Daddy's credit cards. If this greed persists, this game will tear itself apart.
I've just about lost all faith in you myself, and it deeply saddens me to see what is happening to this game that I love and have played for the past 10 years. I don't want to quit, I don't want to find a new game to play, I want to play the RuneScape that I have found continuous enjoyment in playing all these years. This downward spiral needs to stop now.
I truly want to believe the claims and promises that Mod MMG has made, but I won't believe it until I see it. You need to earn the respect of the community back before you lose many of us forever.
A RuneScape veteran of over 10 years.

30-Aug-2012 17:57:54



Posts: 172 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Everyone on this thread that says that all jagex cares about is money, and then act as if it is a bad thing are selfish. Of course the welfare of the workers of jagex and there familys come first above game principles. Also when you buy membership you are paying for a service and you get that service but therefore you are not entitled to anything else they add. And finally to the people saying take money and xp out of squeal of fortune, what teh **** would you get if they took that out of SoF. i personally dont want 5k queens guard uniforms or lucky d chains, so yeah nice logic fail.

30-Aug-2012 17:58:32



Posts: 1,225 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, it's nice to finally get some quality feedback from Jagex. Even though it did take a huge amount of time to make.
Now, I think Solomon's store is alright. Being able to spend money on purely cosmetic items is fine, as long as you keep it that way. I honestly don't see why people are raging about the bank space update. It's a good item that doesn't make any one payer better than any other. I think people don't like it because it's just not cosmetic. Guys. Someone having a few more bank spaces than you does not make them any better at the game than you. So I'm alright with keeping the store in the game as long as items purchased do not give you significant advantages over others. The SoF however, that's another story.
The SoF should not be in the game for multiple reasons. First and foremost, it screws over both the players who do and do not buy spins. People who do not buy spins feel that the game is devalued because other people who do buy spins are achieving the same things without hard work. It also screws over people who buy spins because they are of course, random spins. Nothing is guaranteed and so people waste money on getting crap like low-level armor. Solomon's store is much better in this respect in that you can outright buy what you want, not gamble away your money for chances to get what you want.
Now I don't care what you (Jagex) say about it, players can buy XP on the SoF. I'll be honest here. When it first came out, I bought $20 worth of spins to see how it would go. I got 100k of summoning xp and 50k random other xp. After that I really thought about buying more spins for more xp, but decided against it as I would feel cheap. No matter what special items and promotion you make Jagex, people won't buy spins for those. People buy spins for the xp lamps.
My suggestion would be to remove thew SoF altogether, but I know that won't happen. Something of a compromise would be to remove the Xp lamps from it. Well there's my input.

30-Aug-2012 17:59:48

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30-Aug-2012 18:00:47



Posts: 605 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Enjoying SoF
I make around 60k US a year. Trust me when I say I can buy one or two $100.00 SoF options a week. The point is that Jagex is making the game unfair to throse who can not afford to boost their player up through SoF and its sad that gamers can't even level there own characters up anymore. Just keep throwing more and more money into it hoping to land on the 200m or the lamps, or better yet those Pendants that people probaby spent a pretty penny (real currency) to obtain.
My argument is that why cqn't we use the RS money we obtain to purchase spins and/ or clothes? Because Jagex can't take there money from the game and buy lavish cars, houses, watches, you know the real cosmetic stuff that counts.
Thats my problem. See little kids honestly don't have many means to buy RS cards to fund their accounts for SoF and seeing that you do doesn't make it right. But that same, that little kid can make just as much RS money as you therefore have an EQUAL opportunity as the rest of us (in a general aspect).
If Jagex in fact did this then the RS farming market would blow up. Well then Jagex needs to tighten security and either ditch the greed or convert SoF and Gen Store to RS currency.

30-Aug-2012 18:01:13

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