
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 673 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Actually you ARE selling xp and Rs coins through SoF.
Actually, you had an over 45 M pounds revenue last year, and all your efforts were put into *amazing* improvements to SoF.
Actually, from those 450+ Jagex employees, if only 10-15 would spend 8 working hours / day in the most *hot* botted spots in Runescape, banning bots, the entire game play would be significantly better, since training a bot to reach a certain level in the skill it is farming takes some time.
Actually, we are the ones looking anxiously at your bad updates, dead content, community feed-back ignored.
All I can say to you, in the most decent manner, is GET LOST ! I'm fed up with your lies !

29-Aug-2012 19:18:30 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 19:23:23 by [#U95Y2R02Z]

Ayase Asagi

Ayase Asagi

Posts: 151 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nice PR talk. Too bad all of your recent actions have been completely the opposite of everything being said.
You claim you care about the integrity of the game, yet you've already started heading into the way of including in-game benefits for a cash shop that you have claimed would be completely cosmetic. You forced Squeel of Fortune and Solomon updates with no remorse, despite the many outcries from the community. You never acknowledged them, and you continued to brute force them onto us with no consideration or acknowledgement of the community's opinion.
You people can talk the talk, but so far the only ACTION we have seen from you is the exact opposite of what you claim to do.
Do you expect the community to take your word that "We promise to not compromise the integrity of this game" seriously despite the fact that every promise you ever made has been proken, and each day you continue to compromise the said integrity you claim to maintain? You're in the spotlight with a bloody knife in your hands and a corpse right beside you and you're telling us you're not a murdered and you have no interest in killing.
Please. I don't care about what you do to this game. Ruin it all you want. But don't bulls**t your community. Despite what you might think, not every person who plays this game is a complete naive moron who has no idea what is going on. Stop insulting us.

29-Aug-2012 19:18:53 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 19:25:01 by Ayase Asagi



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Has anyone noticed its the members who have been playing the game the longest that get ignored by Jax. And by the way you smug git I have quit and so have my 3 sons and 3 other long term players we regularly played with. All of us agree the game has gone in the wrong direction and lacks the support for the players.

29-Aug-2012 19:19:58



Posts: 140 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First of all, I've already quit I'm surprised I still have membership but I saw this post on Facebook and though I'd give my 2 cents.
"we looking anxiously at feedback from all of our community" - MMG
So you're not lying to me when you say Jagex has been viewing quite literally hundreds of thousands of anti SoF + Solomans + EoC threads and been putting them into account? Well from what we can gather either Jagex is blantly lying to us or they don't give a bleep about what we think as long as they have lined their pockets.
Oh but wait, Jagex has explained that SoF and Solomans money is going to future updates, so its all okay because everyone wants future updates RIGHT?
Wrong... in fact the SoF and Solomans Store is funding the very updates that people are quitting the game over, you know that completely uncontroversial and wanted update The EoC, no sarcasm intended... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Very few people want SoF + Solomans + EoC, were not talking 49% of people want it, were talking under %5 (there have been MANY polls on the forums, many of which are hidden and locked by mods to hide the true agenda of the public, if they really wanted to know they would make their own poll). So clearly Jagex knows most people dislike these updates, so I am at a loss as to why these updates exist. It is truly disgraceful as a vet player that Jagex has treated its player base like this for this long.
Would't you think when an update comes out if even 20% of the people who use it are unhappy about it maybe reconsidering it or changing a bit so that the people who are lining you're pockets can at least enjoy the game rather than feel betrayed.
or so that Jagex understands it

29-Aug-2012 19:19:58

Doctor Karma

Doctor Karma

Posts: 853 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Anti-bot updates
Action against gold-farmers (may they be trampled into the earth by the Corp)
Additional account security! (I think I know where this idea came from! ;) )
Graphical improvements
Other high-quality updates...
Good to see; I'm excited!
Even though I and many others never lost faith in our creators' integrity, it's reassuring to see this in words.
And speaking of words, if I had to make a guess as to how MMG wound up on top of this whole operation, I'd say it's because the man can write! :)
~ Doc ~

29-Aug-2012 19:20:38



Posts: 10,394 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Are you guys ever going to break the wall of only 15k loyalty points after the 12th month?.. The points should continue to increase by every month, I feel cheated getting 15k points over and over again, I want 18k, then eventually 20k! How will I ever collect all emotes?''
I bought JOT, some eye aura and prayer aura. with my remaining points I could buy all emotes except the werewolve. since they won't update the store that much anymore you can easily buy all the emotes eventually.

29-Aug-2012 19:20:41

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29-Aug-2012 19:21:12

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