If you ask me, players caught dice hosting and buying gold should be just as much trouble as someone bug abusing. I mean think about it - The people that brought all of the glitched gp in the game. It was terrible, but, if you think about it, dice hosts take in billions of gp a day, much of it from legitimate players who are desperate for gold because they can't bot 24/7, the can't buy gp, they can't obtain the same amount of wealth as dice hosts can, I mean seriously.
I understand that a few VERY high profile dicers have been banned. But it's a drop in the bucket.
I also have to mention how unrealistic the runescape community actually is. All high profile games now do micro transactions, because all games need to produce profit, and, in a tough economy, it's hard to make money. Jagex has to pay employees, advertise, update the game, work on the games safety, pay building costs, pay for servers, etc. Any player that believes runescape can survive right now on memberships with a dwindling player base is being unrealistic.
And, on the subject of being realistic, here's the reality; right now there is upwards of 30 golfarming sites offering tens of millions of gp for low prices, 24 hour service, and 15 minute delivery. I'm not supporting goldfarming. All that im saying is that why do players call bloody murder at Jagex when they make money from some negligible xp and cosmetic items but don't care at all about that player that just purchased 40M runescape gold from a site.
I have no problem with solomon and the squeal of fortune. The problem, however, is that you need to be more transparent with us. Other than this point and the anti-dicing update I have seen no legitimate steps being taken to better the game and make it a game people can enjoy for many years to come. Focus on updates that make the game more enjoyable, not busting green-dragon bots.
29-Aug-2012 19:17:47