You claim to have doubled the size of the Runescape team, but why are updates so thin and far between? Why is there so much less content added than before IVP took control, if you've doubled the team? Perhaps all these new people, and most of the old people, are busy dreaming up new ways to milk us for cash, or chasing facebook likes and youtube hits, or trying to make celebrities of yourselves through livestreams, or doing anything but developing and improving runescape. We see SoF and Squeal "updates" two and three times a week, but quests, minigames, good content, appear once in a blue moon. Again, you're saying one thing, but your actions say the opposite. You have so many people working on cheap money-grubbing schemes that add nothing to the game, but with all the extra revenue, the quality of updates has plummetted. Not to mention the errors that riddle the game. (I am now making my 27th attempt to login, having got the ridiculous "your account has not logged out yet" message every time. You doubled your staff and yet you still can't fix this? What do you do all day?)
Again, you like to make a big deal about some small reduction in goldfarmer spam. You seem to forget that when IVP took over and greedily brought back the wild in the chase for quick dollars at the long term expense of the game, you promised that you would have bots under control before you brought the wild back. Yet here we are, nearly 2 years later, and you're celebrating a temporary reduction in their numbers like some kind of victory.
30-Aug-2012 04:07:04