
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Galahad Sir
Feb Member 2006

Galahad Sir

Posts: 4,594 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You boast about your "records", completely ignoring the fact that you would never have gotten anywhere near 200m accounts if you didn't invite botters to make thousands upon thousands of accounts every hour to cheat with. You seem to deny this is even possible. The video of you celebrating this dubious milestone made me worry - does everyone at jagex actually believe that allowing cheating botters and gold farmers to push the number of accounts up to a big number is something to be proud of? It's one thing to lie to your customers, but are you lying to yourselves and believing the lies?
You claim you put the majority of revenue back into "the game", but we see so much of that revenue being wasted on failed microtransactins games. What did runescape players gain from all the money you took from us and spent on 8Realms and Stellar dawn? What will we gain from all the money you take from us and waste on Transformers Universe when it fails too, as it inevitably will, because it's full of microtransactions and pay to win which all your players hate?

30-Aug-2012 04:06:03 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 04:06:43 by Galahad Sir

Fat SquirreI
Aug Member 2023

Fat SquirreI

Posts: 1,138 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah! Right on! Drive in the final nail send all bots strait to my cupcake cellar > :D
Woooot now people with have to make up- I mean ''''find'''' something else to complain about.
Ask-Kinshra-Slave on

In character Runescape Ask/Story blog

30-Aug-2012 04:06:12



Posts: 3,468 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex i would like to thank you for the words and thoughts about the squeal and such. I am not a fan of them but to actually have a response to our criticism and fears of this game going down the drain and your milking it before it dies is very humbling.

30-Aug-2012 04:06:59

One Who Wins
Sep Member 2022

One Who Wins

Posts: 264 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm fairly new to the "forums" despite my old account, but how can we be assured that these ant-bot plans will work? I know some ex-bot creators have joined the Jagex team to help, percentage of chance this will work?
Also, involving the Squeal of Fortune: wouldn't buying spins cause issues with people gambling, like people under the legal age buying spins, then buying again and again?
The last part: if we get HTML5, wouldn't it be more susceptible to hacks, etc, or would that be the reason why the anti-bot, and account guard would work?
Just some food for thought.

30-Aug-2012 04:07:03

Galahad Sir
Feb Member 2006

Galahad Sir

Posts: 4,594 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You claim to have doubled the size of the Runescape team, but why are updates so thin and far between? Why is there so much less content added than before IVP took control, if you've doubled the team? Perhaps all these new people, and most of the old people, are busy dreaming up new ways to milk us for cash, or chasing facebook likes and youtube hits, or trying to make celebrities of yourselves through livestreams, or doing anything but developing and improving runescape. We see SoF and Squeal "updates" two and three times a week, but quests, minigames, good content, appear once in a blue moon. Again, you're saying one thing, but your actions say the opposite. You have so many people working on cheap money-grubbing schemes that add nothing to the game, but with all the extra revenue, the quality of updates has plummetted. Not to mention the errors that riddle the game. (I am now making my 27th attempt to login, having got the ridiculous "your account has not logged out yet" message every time. You doubled your staff and yet you still can't fix this? What do you do all day?)
Again, you like to make a big deal about some small reduction in goldfarmer spam. You seem to forget that when IVP took over and greedily brought back the wild in the chase for quick dollars at the long term expense of the game, you promised that you would have bots under control before you brought the wild back. Yet here we are, nearly 2 years later, and you're celebrating a temporary reduction in their numbers like some kind of victory.

30-Aug-2012 04:07:04

Galahad Sir
Feb Member 2006

Galahad Sir

Posts: 4,594 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So you finish off with some motherhood and apple pie platitudes that none of us believe because they contradict what you are actually doing. You say you appreciate the trust, but that trust was misplaced, and is now gone, because you continue to lie to us. You claim you're building the strongest possible future for the game, while your actions show you're building the strongest possible revenue stream for IVP at the expense of the fairness of the game. And once again you claim you are all players so you know best and we should all shut up and trust you.
Finally, the best you can come up with in terms of upcoming updates is a photo of a draw distance that will no doubt make the unfixed frame rate and performance issues experienced by the majority of your players even worse; and a rewrite into HTML5 when you haven't even sorted out the lag, login, and performance issues in the current version, so you'll be introducing even more errors, with the only benefit visible to existing players being slightly brighter colours. Expanding runescape to tablets and smart tv's might do a lot for IVP's coffers, but it won't do a thing for your existing player base. And yet, these are the best updates you could come up with to suggest there are good things to come. Sad, very sad.
So, just like last time you deigned to come down from your throne and speak at your customers, you have addressed none of the important issues, you continue to sell gp and xp and claim you're not doing it, you continue to lie to us.
I'll try to "have fun." But it will be in spite of what you're doing, not because of it.
P.S. I did not need 3 months and a speech writer to come up with this post like you did for yours.

30-Aug-2012 04:07:17



Posts: 723 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the game we all love and play? not anymore. GO back to 2005 and i might agree with you on that. old graphic's, old barrow/bandos/dragon armour look's. hell even 3m whip drop's....
Im glad your looking toward the future of upgrading the game, but it's not needed.
I also would have to agree with paddle time, we pay to play we should have a community voting system

30-Aug-2012 04:07:43

Apr Member 2011


Posts: 3,544 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
HTML5 is an umbrella term for the vast improvements to the general web platform at this point, but HTML is the most commonly used markup language for websites since pretty much forever..HTML5 made leaps and strides over HTML4, but CSS3 and a ton of APIs that have come with it are what have really made it so incredible.
Previously applets like flash and java had to be used for videos/games on the net to be decent - with html 5 though videos and even games can be run directly - there's high performance 2D/3D graphics (html4 only offered 2D) on a high DPI canvas, offline storage via temporary files and other things, rich audio APIs, socket based networking, and countless other APIs that make gaming etc through a browser a very realistic venture, in the past this was infeasible, hence why java and flash were used so often for browser games; flash video players have already been mostly replaced by HTML5 versions, and the performance difference on page load is significant without any sort of degradation in video performance - I expect similar results from running a game on it.
A fresh new game engine is also an opportunity to iron out all the kinks the current engine has without having to remove any features.
Honestly, I wish this blog had been split into 2: the 1st chunk mentions thinks that their actions seem to contradict, most notably via buyable spins on SoF meaning they in fact are selling gp/xp; the 2nd chunk shows what's to come, and gives an idea of what that seemingly huge excess of money is going towards - and these improvements show an awful lot of promise, assuming the HTML5 engine, anti-bot update, and boosted security things go well without any major hiccips on release (seriously, the QA team(s) have been doing a terrible job with most recent update - though the most recent one does seem to be bug free, at least) then they'll be well worth the wait..doesn't mean I don't realise that SoF is harming the games integrity and value in the meantime though.

30-Aug-2012 04:08:49

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