
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

May Member 2010


Posts: 2,072 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's good that they recognize that players hate this stuff, and that it does ruin the integrity of the game. However, it is still quite evident that Mark Gerhard does not see this from the point of view of the players.
He mentions that the Jagex team has doubled - however, as a paying member, I have seen the number of content updates halved in this year compared to previous years. And much of the content that is being put out is through microtransactions - more specifically the Solomon's General Store - and it very apparent that it is cutting out of actual in-game content development time. A year or two ago, we were getting new, innovative high-level content such as Nex, overloads, Turmoil, RotM and other quests. Now we're lucky to even get a beginner quest in an entire month. However, Jagex still finds itself able to put out new micro-transaction content and promotions. It is sickening.
I like to hear that they have big projects such as improving the game engine and getting it to work on HTML5, but at what cost? With more staff resources, shouldn't we be getting more content and more updates?
Jagex, where has the content gone?

29-Aug-2012 20:44:18 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 20:45:23 by Veggie

Random Dandy

Random Dandy

Posts: 3,488 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heatley is a jmod in disguise I swear lol
Stevew just said they aren't directly selling gp/exp. Tbh, the good prizes are way too hard to get."
Are you crazy? How are the xp lamps hard to get.. you get them like 1 in 4 spins lol

29-Aug-2012 20:44:36 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 20:45:44 by Random Dandy

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Z A Z U
Tell us about it... it's been happening for years and you have to love how the mods become incredibly quiet when there aren't any support posts.

@4 H

Thank You!!! I completely agree. If Jagex came out and said, "hey guys we're going to have to add this to the game because so many players have quit we dont have enough money to keep the game running anymore." Nobody would have objected, or at least not to this extent. It's when they say, "selling gold? of course not. We would never do that. What? SOF sells gold? no it doesnt.. what are you talking about??? um... I'm kind of busy... I'll uh... pass along your suggestion" that we take offense.
We aren't all 10 years old Jagex!!! Just be honest for once in your lives!!! If a mod would like to give me the address of the Jagex HQ I'll send you a dictionary with the page for "honest" marked for you since clearly its not a word anyone there understands. Otherwise, kick IVP out and go find Paul and Andrew again.

29-Aug-2012 20:45:48



Posts: 1,229 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In-Game Stores:
- Solomon's Store = Fine by me, as the content is ALL cosmetic.
- Squeel of Fortune = Please remove it. I for one will spend more in Solomon's if SoF was removed.

Team Size:
Don't get me wrong, I pleased to here you are planning out the future of Runescape.
It has always been my view that Quality beats Quantity every time.
It's great having a 'twice as big' team, but does that mean it's a 'better' team?
No offense guys, your work is great! <3
The question is valid regardless.

Bot Tactics:
A new BotNuke? Does this mean I will not be able to log into the game for another 8 months? (Still ignored regarding refund btw)
Will this new approach actually work this time? I never got to enjoy a single day of Bot-free Runescape after the release of the last BotNuke. (due to the above mentioned reason)
Will this stop Bots?

Working to Improve the game:
Great! Love a lot of what has been seen! The level of work is outstanding!
Please don't just throw updates at Runescape for the sake of it though. If it's not broken, why fix it? Yeah yeah, it's an mmorpg, it's supposed to evolve. Meh.
Why the reluctance to withdraw a decision though? Such as SoF?
I want Jagex to survive. I want Runescape to survive. I appreciate that the war on Bots is costing millions, and is for the Players' benefit.
That war hasn't been won. (Lost in some peoples views).

Runescape as we know it:
RS2 preserved as it's own entity? (Maybe as RSC was to RS2?)
RS3 is not to my tastes, and is far too overly complicated. Not enjoyable for me.
Servers cost money?
Why not run a poll publicly. That will give you guys more information as to the kind of revenue Runescape 2 would generate in comparison to this Runescape 3?
Asking costs nothing.
(By Rs3, I mean RS after CB update as is)
Ref: Quick Find Code: ­ ­ 306-307-850-63952041
Solomons +1
SoF -1
Runescape +1
New Combat/Layouts -1
Jagex +1
InVestors -1

29-Aug-2012 20:48:06



Posts: 657 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't believe JaGex that they care about us players. Why did it take so many months until they tell they couldn't afford bot fighting (which doesn't exist, at all).
Squeal of Fortune is bull ****.
Solomon's Shop is nice for players who NEED to buy. As well as for JaGex.

29-Aug-2012 20:48:15 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 20:49:17 by Avay



Posts: 605 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jmods can't really say anything at this point. Their actions are saying more then they ever will about this.
People will probably also start saying "Well if you don't like it, quit".
Well to answer that before its asked, I've spent close to 8 years off and on playing this game and loving it. why should I have to quit when Jagex is the one messing the game up. I play this game to get away from a the Corperate American (Probably worldwide now) BS and lol now it has followed me into the game of RS!!!!!
"If it ain't broke don't fix it". The only people who wanted that crap are the people that have the financial means to support that habit. They probably buy $25 cards at the store each week.
I go to my local store, find the cards and hide them....So there Jagex, you wanna ***** me thats fine, I'm all about eye for an eye. :)

29-Aug-2012 20:48:48

Jul Member 2020


Posts: 1,482 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
this is epic mainly our runescape community fights with each other all the time but when it comes to EOC , Salomon and SOF we all come together as a big team no one wants this read at what everyone says stop making excuses this is for your good and our satisfaction

29-Aug-2012 20:49:25

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