"Be happy that you have a subscription game that cost $8 a month"
Last I looked, the new gamecards cost 10$/30 days of gametime. Is it as much as WoW? no. But WoW sucks. Its absurdly over complicated gameplay at insane prices for the minimal ammount of content they provide. But having said that, In the three years that I did play WoW, I saw maybe 5? ish actual "cheaters" and no actual bots to speak of. The fees for WoW arent worth the quality of the gameplay, but the upkeep on the other hand certainly is. Jagex has never been able to effectively fight bots, and at times has even sacrificed gameplay to fight them. But even after having said that, I'd still rather pay 15$ a month for RS (so long as fun updates start rolling off the assembly line at a fair pace again) than have SoF or Solomon's in the game. I want to be able to acess everything the game has to offer with my membership.
"You're basically getting what console users have to pay for, for free. Add ons are a luxury."
...I try to refrain from being mean when I post, I really do. But... are you that blind?
Every single RuneScape member pays a monthly fee FOR CONTENT UPDATES. The idea that we pay a sub fee "just to have acess" is moronic. When you buy a console game, its yours to keep and play as you like. No additional fees. When I pay more than once for an MMO, I expect a portion of that money to go toward new updates to my game, that im continually paying for. If we were being charged "rent" just to play RuneScape, I'd never pay more than maybe 3$/monthly.
"Even Wow and Rift charge for they're updates."
WoW has the worst business model I've ever seen. They charge a monthly fee, have microtransactions, AND charge for expansion packs. Thats one of the reasons I dont play it. But again, having said that, Aside from being overly complicated IMO, and not getting content out fast enough, Blizzard has their stuff together. And their microtransactions are absolutely vanity only.
And no one really plays rift
30-Aug-2012 07:18:11