I mean jesus christ, you guys complain about every single update that Jagex reveals. "Oh sof update, what about actual content?!"
"Oh, giant chinchompa update, took you long enough!"
Why isn't anyone complaining about the lazy ass skill dungeoneering? There are dozens of ideas out there for skills, why dung? It's just a compilation of all of Rs's skills combined into one area with very expensive degradeable weapons.
And i've about had it with people complaining about bots. Yeah, they're annonying, we get it. But stop bitching about it everytime Jagex says they're doing something about it. Yeah, Clusterflutter didn't last very long at all. But I could've told you that it wasn't going to last. People hack. That's what they do. The only sure way of getting rid of all the bots is for Jagex Mods to personally patrol bot popular areas and be in game, banning bots one by one. This, of course, would work garrunteed (i can never remember how to spell this word...), but then they'd need either more money, or have to devote their resources in other places. Meaning updates would come less frequently.
Be happy that you have a subscription game that cost $8 a month, vs hundreds a year for games like WoW and Rift. Both of which are pretty good games from what i hear. lol. I've never seen such a ungrateful group of gamers in my life. You're basically getting what console users have to pay for, for free. Add ons are a luxury. Even Wow and Rift charge for they're updates. We're getting a whole new combat update for free! Major gamechanging updates for free! Say thank you once and a while and not complain in the very next line.
30-Aug-2012 06:49:35