I truly appreciate the effort that went into the post, but it simply isn't enough. I get that microtransactions generates lots of money, but for Pete's sake it's been introduced in the worst possible manner (hint: broken promises, talking down to players like they're 5). All the garish, colourful ads forced into this game for the Squeal of Fortune have completely turned me off for this game, and with the new combat system it's pretty much set in stone that I'll never enjoy RS as a member ever again. I really don't mind Solomon's store, but if this game stays afloat you'll really have to get on content updates that you can enjoy in-game rather than just buy it on the damned website. My membership was void as soon as buyable spins were released, so I sometimes regret that I'll never get to complete The Void Stares Back, or see the elven city in its glory. Maybe many good updates will be heading our way, but it's too late for me, and many other people.
30-Aug-2012 04:16:24