
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Aug Member 2013


Posts: 21,623 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, as I seem to have forgotten to post here...
Basically, I do like what you're saying, and September does feel very good - at least with the small glance we've been given, but I would really like to try and understand what you mean about the game's updates beind funded by Microtransactions.
Currently, these payments have not been out long enough to fund a wide variety of the content being released, which really throws me off when this is said. Unless all the of the poor-er content that has been coming out is because they didn't have 'very good funding' compared to newer things, I'm expecting some really revolutionary stuff from the upcoming months, if it's getting extra funding.
If you guys pull this off, by all means, I support what is being said all the way. As long as some checks and balances are applied to the Squeel of Fortune, and in-game advantages are not added to the game without a way to get them without paying extra, I'm generally okay with the current system of microtranctions. However, the Squeel is definently in need of work.
One thing I'd like to see happen is the remove of all Experience Lamps from the squeel. In their place should be the pendants. We should really have to earn our extra xp, not be conveniently handed it in lamps on a semi-daily basis. This really removes a big feeling of the game I remember from the days when I personally first started playing in around 2005, in that experience lamps were rare-er finds, and were often mistaken as dusty or old, but often useless lamps, that some people gave out, as they hoped perhaps there was some monetary value. Now we can get them so easily from the Squeel and it destroys that. The free instant-xp doesn't help the wheel either.
Next is the way gold is supplied. As a noob, 100k was a huge amount of money, but now someone could potentially win 500k on their first day from a medium slot. That's a bit crazy, and needs to be fixed.
(con't in next post)
@Fannygirdle on Twitter | Co-Owner of The Scrying Pool, a future updates and lore clan

30-Aug-2012 04:01:46

Aug Member 2013


Posts: 21,623 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Now admittedly, gold doesn't need to be removed, but I feel the higher your total level, up to say, 2k total, the gold should scale upward. When you're a level 3, you shouldn't be given 500k for free without some friend being willing to actually give it to you. It retains value at the lower levels for earning your way up to the higher level armor, and makes you appreciate what you have and what you can afford. Changing that has really screwed up the early game play in my opinion.
I've seen some great Solomon and Squeel suggestions all over, and do agree with many of them. Specifically, I'd like to see Solomon's runecoins available as rarer drops in the game, like the Squeel tickets are. I'd also love to see loyalty points exchangeable for Runecoins. I've finally purchased one of the last things I was after in the Loyalty store, and, other than emotes, don't really want much else. Runecoins would be nice though, to get some more costumes and such, but I have no desire to spend more money on the cosmetics.
Now to stop seeming like a Negative Nancy (Sorry Mod Nancy! Love you!), I would like to say thank you for the eloquent and clear responce, and I do hope you stay true to this. We've been dissapointed in the past, and I hope you won't this time. You've said it in the article very clearly: "However, we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game," that you will not be selling gold, xp, or accounts. Please remember this, no matter what, and just don't do it.
Furthermore, I remain very excited for Optimus, and have high hopes for the Jagex Account Guardian. Finally, as mentioned, September seems like it will be a good month, I very much look forward to the Behind the Scenes, and am excited to experience the content this month. I do though, hope the quests aren't just more Novice quests, as we're in need of higher level quests and continuations of series again.
Here's looking forward to September,
@Fannygirdle on Twitter | Co-Owner of The Scrying Pool, a future updates and lore clan

30-Aug-2012 04:01:52 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 04:15:07 by Amascut



Posts: 26 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
monkey madness is for a agility course and dragon scimitar i did for the agility course it is the best spot for my lvl and it only takes like 20 mins to do the quest so it was not a wast of time 4 me and it was fun

30-Aug-2012 04:02:08 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 04:02:43 by topblackcat



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
this is honestly a joke people make a new account everyday and bot it so they can get more spins for gold honestly you arent directly selling gold but if you decide to keep the sof then remove the ability to buy spins.. thats what starts such a huge arguement

30-Aug-2012 04:04:20

Galahad Sir
Feb Member 2006

Galahad Sir

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Well, it seems Gerhard has got a new speech writer, the tone is nicer after months spent refining it, but the message is still the same as the last SoF response:
"It's not pay to win because we say it's not."
You say you're not undermining the game, while not addressing the fact you are selling gp and xp via the wheel (and continuing to lie and claim you're not selling it).
You claim you take extreme care when introducing changes, yet recent updates are littered with poorly thought through content that breaks existing mechanics and rewards, leaving the game looking like it's in beta; and content that is immediately dead because it's poorly thought through and poorly implemented (Flash powder factory, Crucible). The only thing you really seem to be cautious with, is implementing updates that you know are hated, a little bit at a time to try and deceive us that it's not so bad. You're cautious in re-arranging the forums, in hiding posts, in making sure people who expose your lies are silenced. You're cautious in covering your own ass, and nothing else. You are reckless with the state of the game.
You claim you're all players, as if getting to level 60 combat means you know all about the game, and it looks like you use the "we're all players" argument simply so you can claim you have the player's perspective, and because you like pay to win, and you're players, then everyone likes pay to win (90% was the figure you claimed last time yes? 100% of people have had login errors, does that make login errors the most well received content of all time and definitely here to stay?)
You say you have been looking anxiously at feedback. Your minions repeatedly say that feedback has been "passed on to the right people." But we see your actions, and we see that they have been passed on to people who either don't even read it, or ignore it because their egos are too big to accept criticism. Perhaps the "right people" is just a gimp with a shredder.

30-Aug-2012 04:05:11

Galahad Sir
Feb Member 2006

Galahad Sir

Posts: 4,594 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You cannot deny that bought spins are making you profit in the short term, and you cannot deny that long term they will lose you players because they make the game unfair. Oh wait, yes you can, you just did. Not with anything to back it up. Just the usual: micro-payments are not undermining the game because we say they're not undermining the game. No issues are addressed - just blanket statements that you are right and we are all wrong.
You hint that the extra money was needed to allow runescape to continue to exist, but we've all seen your company's profits. We've all seen the money you've wasted on microtransactions games that has all come to nothing, and yet still you profit. You don't need to milk your player base for more short term cash to keep runescape going. So why claim that you do? Yet more lies.
The only way you could possibly require more money from this Stealth Tax (your words, if you recall, although you are famous for telling one audience one thing, and another audience the opposite), is if IVP are using their controlling interest to demand more money to line their pockets. In another interview you claim this isn't the case, but after so many lies, your words mean nothing. Your actions are what matters.

30-Aug-2012 04:05:26

Galahad Sir
Feb Member 2006

Galahad Sir

Posts: 4,594 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You want to say categorically that you will not go down this "tragic route". Only two problems with that. First, you used to say categorically that real life wealth should not affect your ability to be successful in runescape - remember the rule you were forced to change because you wanted to break it? Second, you have already gone down this tragic route. You are already selling gp and selling xp via bought spins, yet you instruct your minions to deny the truth and still post that you will never sell gp - you already are! You have no credibility when you simply deny what we know is already happening. And when you lie like this, it throws doubt on everything else you say too - makes us think it's all just spin and cover ups, even in the unlikely event that you're actually doing something to help the game.
Again, you repeat that you could have made so much money by selling gp or xp, and ignore the fact that you're already selling it!
To try and claim that you have the interests of the game at heart, you bring back echos of the one thing you ever did for the integrity of the game: removal of unbalanced trade. Yes, I'm sure profits did take a dip when you did that - but you reversed it! You can't say "we did this one thing that was good!" and then claim that because of that, undoing this good thing and everyting you've done since, is good too?
Again, you say the words about integrity, but you contradict them with your actions. You claim the health of the community is a concern, yet you ignore the fact that the state of the community is universally agreed to have gone rapidly downhill, all because of your decisions.

30-Aug-2012 04:05:43

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