Now admittedly, gold doesn't need to be removed, but I feel the higher your total level, up to say, 2k total, the gold should scale upward. When you're a level 3, you shouldn't be given 500k for free without some friend being willing to actually give it to you. It retains value at the lower levels for earning your way up to the higher level armor, and makes you appreciate what you have and what you can afford. Changing that has really screwed up the early game play in my opinion.
I've seen some great Solomon and Squeel suggestions all over, and do agree with many of them. Specifically, I'd like to see Solomon's runecoins available as rarer drops in the game, like the Squeel tickets are. I'd also love to see loyalty points exchangeable for Runecoins. I've finally purchased one of the last things I was after in the Loyalty store, and, other than emotes, don't really want much else. Runecoins would be nice though, to get some more costumes and such, but I have no desire to spend more money on the cosmetics.
Now to stop seeming like a Negative Nancy (Sorry Mod Nancy! Love you!), I would like to say thank you for the eloquent and clear responce, and I do hope you stay true to this. We've been dissapointed in the past, and I hope you won't this time. You've said it in the article very clearly: "However, we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game," that you will not be selling gold, xp, or accounts. Please remember this, no matter what, and just don't do it.
Furthermore, I remain very excited for Optimus, and have high hopes for the Jagex Account Guardian. Finally, as mentioned, September seems like it will be a good month, I very much look forward to the Behind the Scenes, and am excited to experience the content this month. I do though, hope the quests aren't just more Novice quests, as we're in need of higher level quests and continuations of series again.
Here's looking forward to September,
@Fannygirdle on Twitter | Co-Owner of The Scrying Pool, a future updates and lore clan
30-Aug-2012 04:01:52
- Last edited on
30-Aug-2012 04:15:07