
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 2,009 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is it just me or do I feel like Jagex is losing a sense of taste? We need to stop fighting people botting their own accounts and start stopping those scumbag dicers at the world 2 GE and the goldfarmers mass selling gold. I find it hilarious how you guys have yet to ban Fishy and Starrychelx, but you'll waste your time with maxed players exploiting a bug that was Jagex's fault.
Jagex, you have to stop not releasing content because of SOF and the bots. To be perfectly honest, I admit that people botting on their personal accounts does not impact the game in any signifigant way Jagex; but your updates do.
Jagex really needs to weigh their options and distribute their time onto things that truly matter and impact the game.

29-Aug-2012 18:45:09 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 18:46:04 by Catapult



Posts: 3,795 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok but what you don't understand is that SoF/Sgs has destroyed everybodies playing experience with lack of updates/update quality and the amount of frequent SOF/sgs updates everyday... which nobody wants to see fine keep it, BUT STOP SHOVING IT IN OUR FACE!! and as doing this to stay on profit for when you get rid of bots, why should we suffer because you're incapable of sorting the bot problem out. When you released FT/wildy you promised you was able to sort out and keep bots at a low, but this was not the case so why should we suffer for your mistakes? get rid of SoF/Sgs and face up to your mistake even if it costs you a few $$$.
Or another solution keep SoF/Sgs fine, BUT stop making so many discontinued items, limited weekend deals and SoF/SGS with every update. Do the same amount of updates you did before and keep the update quality up. Get rid of SoF/sgs tab... Give us an option to completely ignore SoF that includes not seeing crappy messages in the chat box like "you have 9 hours till you can spin again" and stuff like that.
I also don't see why you raised membership to, with sof/sgs.
Before SoF i loved collecting holiday/discontinued items but now i stopped. couldnt give 2 ***** about holiday events anymore you've completed ruined them for me. also SoF/sgs will probably play a huge part in all upcoming holiday events which your players despise.
Give us a way to get the emotes from solomon on loyalty or something or give us a way to collect runecoins in-game.
EDIT: also nerf flowers for gods sake.. and when you do nerf seal emote along with it.
EDIT 2: you said the players had a choice to ignore SoF this clearly isn't the case so give us a chance to get rid of anything SoF related in-game. ALSO GET RID OF THESE IN-GAME ADVERTS FFS!

29-Aug-2012 18:45:12 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 18:48:33 by Makeeee



Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have a question about the HTML 5, I have personally worked a lot with html 5 and I like where its going but its still very much in the developmental stages, tags and other things are not well defined. so I was wondering how have you gone about addressing compatibility with older browsers, or ones that aren't as up to speed say internet explorer for instance.

29-Aug-2012 18:45:14

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Im not really looking for feedback or a response, but I want to voice my opinion that it's not just the shops themselves that are the problem, but the handling of information lately that some of us are concerned with.
Thanks Zeta, hopefully with this newspost, and the planned Q&A's you'll notice an improvement in the handling of information. Thanks for the feedback - as always it's really useful.

29-Aug-2012 18:45:24



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In regards to the legitimicy of the newspost MMG has said things before and has not followed up. I am willing to allow you the chance if our Buyable SOF spins concerns are addressed as they provide a clear advantage and is xp selling which in the newspost is something you would never do "Directly" so doing it indirectly is fine?

29-Aug-2012 18:45:36

Nas T Magic

Nas T Magic

Posts: 88 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My only and main concern with the upcoming updates is the Combat evo. So many of the pures and def pures who have put much effort into positioning our characters as PKERS will be greatly harmed with this. Like it or not, PKERS are a big part of the game and being able to slant your skill one way or another is the stradegy needed in PKING.
Lastly, Knowing that many players did/Do BOT, I LOVE the Bot death program.

29-Aug-2012 18:45:53

Kupo Warkson

Kupo Warkson

Posts: 732 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well the only part about this I didn't really like was saying you're not selling XP when there are XP lamps on the SoF....
Glad that you're finally telling us where that money is going though. I have slightly less of a problem with the SoF if the money is going towards increased game development rather than lining your pockets.
Looking forward to the bot nuke again, but I will have to wait and see about that, as you guys have not exactly followed your own time frames.
Also the security update will be nice, and the graphical updates as long as it doesn't put a greater strain on our computers.

29-Aug-2012 18:45:56 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 18:46:15 by Kupo Warkson

Ass Cheek

Ass Cheek

Posts: 60 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Do you ever plan to stop this buyable spins and runecoins in the future when you have released the content? I know you do probably need the money for the development I agree with you on that, but most players don't understand it and because of the way runescape has been for 11 years its difficult to adapt to such a change

29-Aug-2012 18:45:56



Posts: 1,638 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Great to finally hear a proper response :) I'd just like to repeat what's on everyone else's minds, though:
Get rid of the cash and xp rewards in Squeal of Fortune, make the "bank boosters" loyalty rewards instead of microtransactions, and give members a few Runecoins every month, and we'll have pretty much nothing to complain about ^_^
Oh, and please stop with the frequent Squeal of Fortune updates - nobody actually cares about those beach-themed offers :(

29-Aug-2012 18:46:08

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