Ok but what you don't understand is that SoF/Sgs has destroyed everybodies playing experience with lack of updates/update quality and the amount of frequent SOF/sgs updates everyday... which nobody wants to see fine keep it, BUT STOP SHOVING IT IN OUR FACE!! and as doing this to stay on profit for when you get rid of bots, why should we suffer because you're incapable of sorting the bot problem out. When you released FT/wildy you promised you was able to sort out and keep bots at a low, but this was not the case so why should we suffer for your mistakes? get rid of SoF/Sgs and face up to your mistake even if it costs you a few $$$.
Or another solution keep SoF/Sgs fine, BUT stop making so many discontinued items, limited weekend deals and SoF/SGS with every update. Do the same amount of updates you did before and keep the update quality up. Get rid of SoF/sgs tab... Give us an option to completely ignore SoF that includes not seeing crappy messages in the chat box like "you have 9 hours till you can spin again" and stuff like that.
I also don't see why you raised membership to, with sof/sgs.
Before SoF i loved collecting holiday/discontinued items but now i stopped. couldnt give 2 ***** about holiday events anymore you've completed ruined them for me. also SoF/sgs will probably play a huge part in all upcoming holiday events which your players despise.
Give us a way to get the emotes from solomon on loyalty or something or give us a way to collect runecoins in-game.
EDIT: also nerf flowers for gods sake.. and when you do nerf seal emote along with it.
EDIT 2: you said the players had a choice to ignore SoF this clearly isn't the case so give us a chance to get rid of anything SoF related in-game. ALSO GET RID OF THESE IN-GAME ADVERTS FFS!
29-Aug-2012 18:45:12
- Last edited on
29-Aug-2012 18:48:33