
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 32,671 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- insert golf clap -
Nice, reassuring words.
On the bots and such, we will believe it when we see it.
To think nearly a year ago, Jagex gave us the wonderful 'bot nuke'. Nearly a month of bot free game play. Of course it had a side effect of making areas like Edge an FPS nightmare. Of course the bots eventually came back.
We can only hope that your next update truly helps to thin out the bot problem, followed up with your own resolve in keeping the accounts inactive and at least a token effort of looking into player 'abuse reports' for various bots and the RS gold site spammers.
As for the 'not selling gold and XP', you are aware of what SoF does?
Player buys 10, 20, 100, or more spins. On top of a player getting 1-2 free spins per day.
Each spin is GUARANTEED to give the player something.
1k, 10k, 100k+ in value. A modest to elite weapon. XP reward lamps/items that can be worth a few hundred to nearly 70k XP.
While there is an element of chance, at worst, the player is guaranteed to get 1000 coins in value. You buy 100 spins, you get at least 100k coins in value. That might be considered a ripoff to the player, but it is still, in the end BUYING MONEY.
The only thing I am looking forward to on the General Store is the day it is fully stocked. That way we don't have to see the constant stream of updates on it.
Oh ... and last thing on the Wheel ...
Not everyone wants to spin it. Some of us don't want to deal with it. Give us the option to permanently disable it so we don't see that horrible little goblin whenever we log in.

29-Aug-2012 18:46:44 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 18:48:55 by Deltaslug



Posts: 387 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just wish jagex would take away free trade... yes i admit, i voted it back in when the poll came.. but that was the biggest mistake i had made.. now this game doesn't feel like any form of achievement... people seem to scam, bot and hack their way to achievements.... please jagex take away free trade... make this game good again... i understand you need to make future funds for the game through squeal and solomon... i understand that.. just take away free trade ... make accomplishments worth something again

29-Aug-2012 18:47:14

Aug Member 2021


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It seems to us ( well the vast majority i believe ) , that you are just like in Plato's Cave Allegory. In a cave , facing the dark wall, thinking that what you are seeing is the absolute truth and nothing else exists. Yet, we, the players tell you : Hey ! Jagex , turn around and see the light !! .
You CAN do things to maybe bring back this game to what it once was : FAIR AND FUN, for everyone, regarldes of real-life situation...Yet you are so bound by your investors and mercantilism that you delibarately refuse to see the light !
Well, that is your own choice, and you do as you wish ! I have already left this game, just wanted to post my toughts, but i will be waiting at the edge of the cave...if you ever take the courage to turn around and face the light...

29-Aug-2012 18:47:38

Host Death

Host Death

Posts: 134 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is it just me or is the picture on the right better looking...?
Old RS graphics ftw... I'd rather go back to those graphics and have the teams working on good updates rather than just updating bushes and cities.
Also, the very fact that they think that selling gold, accs, and xp would make them 10-15x more money is a little bit of a wrong estimate. Although that may be true in the first month or two, the majority of the ppl playing would quit and then they wouldn't make anymore money, which I think they realize.
Jagex says that they put immense value in the player opinion, but all I have read about on the forums and talking to ppl in game is this... GET RID OF SOF AND SGS. When 95% of the players suggest that, it may be a good move to not just say that you value their opinion, but ACTUALLY value it. Perhaps they know what they are doing, but from a player's standpoint it seems almost everybody disagrees with the micro-payment updates. Thanks for your time!

29-Aug-2012 18:47:41

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pleasant post and will help in renewing faith in Jagex and the game, i hope we can look forward to some interesting updates in the near future seeing as , i for one, can't say this summer has been very good.
Never the less, good work Jagex and keep on doing so.
The number one Nub
Loyal to Zaros
Master of xp wasting

29-Aug-2012 18:47:58



Posts: 487 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As many have brought up, as long as the Squeal of Fortune continues to offer rare, tradable items, masses of experience and gold, Jagex continues to betray its player base by turning back on a promise to not allow success to be purchased in game. It cheapens existing content, it nullifies the hard work others have legitimately invested into level progress and it is completely immersion breaking to boot, nothing screams 'I don't belong here' as much as the Squeal of Fortune's tacky graphics, incessant nagging and the ability to buy spins.
The fact that Mod MMG has to cap this post off with a carrot of what Runescape will soon be like may have an enticed a younger, more naive Quzi, but today, I know that the very core of this game is turning rotten so it doesn't matter how much spit and polish you give the surface from here on in. I've invested over a thousand dollars in membership fees over the years, and I vow not to spend another dollar until this cancer is eradicated from the game's surface. Yes, you may be making a cheap dollar by doing these underhanded money making schemes, but in doing so, you are pushing away your most consistent and reliable source of income - your mature player base.

29-Aug-2012 18:48:12

Feb Member 2020


Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I believe we are one of the few games studios in the world that prizes the integrity of the game and health of our community over commercial returns, but that’s also why we are the only game that has had multiple record-breaking awards for both longevity and global reach. "
I lol'd you realize studios which support WoW for example have over 10million+ subscribers. On avg you have 120-140k players a day. And you are proud to have 1/10 that of other games?
I mean sure lets just make EoC a button mashing game and be LIKE ALL OTHER MMO instead of staying different which makes RS unique and draws us.
I just laugh at your comments MMG. You are bringing the "integrity" of your game down on itself. Real hard to have you say "no by making you be able to buy stuff we are not possible hurting or changing anything integrity wise about the game" when in fact you are. How about you and your squad go to the drawing boards and bring back the RS which had a huge amount of support and followers. The days go on and I see more and more people dislike this game than like it...

29-Aug-2012 18:48:49

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