Thank you for posting to elucidate the specific reason why micro-transactions, albeit in a limited sense, have been added to the game.
Much of the criticism that I have read have expanded upon people's concerns that the "quick buck" scenario was something that ultimately will ruin the chances of Runescape developing in the future, and that as a result, those with access to cash would receive an unbalanced advantage to other players.
Commercial reality has been balanced with maintaining the future development and integrity of the game- and I thank you for expressing this to allay people's concerns.
So what do paying members of this game receive? Weekly updates, a team tirelessly working to improve the game, combat bots and generally working with the community to find better ways for people to enjoy playing this game. All of this for a very low price in comparison with other MMORPHs. I have played all of them- and whilst Runescape does not compete in terms of graphical quality, the constant work the Jagex team put into the above, together with the humour of some quests, incredibly vast gameplay exceed any other MMORPH.
Thank you for the post- it confirms my thoughts and I will continue playing into the longer term future because of the above.
*for once about time your team all gave themselves a pat on the back and a choccie biscuit off to events...
29-Aug-2012 18:31:18