I'd like to thank you for your time to post on Microtransactions. I found your article almost as helpful as the one you posted back in April.
I can say with confidence that exactly zero of my questions are answered, and almost none of my concerns are addressed.
I mean, I appreciate you FINALLY responding, but for heaven's sake, all you did was tell us "It won't happen, we pinky promise" and then go on about how wonderful the game is.
Why don't you tell us why the WEEKLY SoF updates are necessary, or why it isn't possible to remove the CLEAR ADVANTAGES the SoF provides.
I honestly expected more. I don't know why, I should know better, but I expected more. This article was nothing more than a desperate cry for publicity. It may sound harsh, but it's true.
You went on and on and on about how wonderful the game, and will be, and completely ignored, yet again, the main concerns that SoF/SgS raise. It's a crying shame too.
Also, MMG, please don't try to relate to me as a game, until you can understand why I dislike SoF/SgS, something you have failed to do in all two of your posts about it.
I really hope the upcoming Q&As actually DO answer questions, not just spend an entire article telling me how wonderful the game is and how much you thank me for being "a gamer".
Frustrated Player
Max Quest Points. Max Cool Points. Host of the Immensely Popular Lords of the Wait.
29-Aug-2012 18:28:16