Here's a tl;dr:
We know you're concerned about the mircrotransaction stuff. We don't want to become a pay to win game. Also, look at all the cool stuff we're going to be adding!
Seriuosly, this barely addresses palyers concerns over microtransactions. While you admit that you could just make xp buyable or sell accounts, we all know that you would never do so. The player reaction would be enormous, and most people would jump ship, although a few would undoubtably pay to investigate what it offers.
Let me put most player's concern in front of you:
We can pay for extra spins on the SoF.
We can win exp, coins, and rare items off the SoF.
Thus, we can pay to get exp, coins, and rare items.
It might not be the intent, but that seems to be how most people view it.
Now, how do you win us back? Honestly, I don't know. Showing us some actual numbers on how expensive or rare it is for someone to actually do this is probably a good start, especially since the SoF doesn't seem to be going away. As for Solomon's Shop... I think most people are just annoyed at how another microtransaction system was added and, while I understand that the revenue from it is mostly to cover the developement costs, I think it just irks people that they have to pay for some stuff that, from their point of view, should be "free": No real world money required, just time and effort in the form of coins or a rare drop.
So, to summarize, my only suggestion is to simipily show us some numbers which proves that our fear of all our hard work suddenly becoming worth much less is unfounded.
PS: I probably won't see any responses to this unless some sort of private message is sent, so, if this has been added (I'm not up-to-date on forum stuff, sorry), send me a message with your response please.
29-Aug-2012 18:48:56