Another tidbit about this message from MMG I find interesting is that it gave more of a "behind the scenes" look at IMPORTANT future content than actual BTS posts. He wrote a very clever and convincing argument to the simple folk of RuneScape, then attempted to win everyone over in his conclusion with a "special" look at content.
I demand a letter/message/statement from the higher ups that focuses on the monetary values, appropriate safety measures, and adherence to original game principals that began today's particular message. In addition, making a separate post with such content sneak-peeks has been the standard course of action in the past, so keep it that way. Please don't lace a logically inferior message with eye candy.
Reverend T said it best, and most simplistically:
"Nice spin, but you're lying to us and we know it. The Squeal already IS selling xp, just on a slightly randomized and thus not fully efficient basis. As long as buyable spins remain in the game, you are betraying the very values and integrity of RuneScape that you have the gall to boast about.
If you need the money that badly, fine, sell cosmetic items until the cows come home. But you ARE selling XP on the Squeal, and with the new "bank boosters" the Solomon Store IS selling an ingame advantage, another thing you promised would never happen.
While a lot of people (myself included) are looking forward to the new engine and new content, the core problem remains. You have violated the principles of the game, and you continue to do so. THIS is NOT the way to win back our trust. "
29-Aug-2012 19:22:03
- Last edited on
29-Aug-2012 19:43:02
Mod Stevew