
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

A Wand

A Wand

Posts: 1,376 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Weesiwel There is nothing wrong with my logic. What I'm asking is to not get only 15k points every month from here on out.. Tear down that limit and continue the 1k increase.
I own supreme harmony wings so ofc ourse I didn't keep my points saved to strictly spend on emotes but why when I've been member since even before the loyalty system did Jagex make a points limit? Why not increase it! The loyalty shop has so many things to offer and it's like impossible to obtain them all with limited points.
I will never buy anything in solomon's store so I live off the loyalty shop.

29-Aug-2012 19:21:51 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 19:22:57 by A Wand

Lake Lion
Mar Member 2023

Lake Lion

Posts: 644 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Another tidbit about this message from MMG I find interesting is that it gave more of a "behind the scenes" look at IMPORTANT future content than actual BTS posts. He wrote a very clever and convincing argument to the simple folk of RuneScape, then attempted to win everyone over in his conclusion with a "special" look at content.
I demand a letter/message/statement from the higher ups that focuses on the monetary values, appropriate safety measures, and adherence to original game principals that began today's particular message. In addition, making a separate post with such content sneak-peeks has been the standard course of action in the past, so keep it that way. Please don't lace a logically inferior message with eye candy.

Reverend T said it best, and most simplistically:
"Nice spin, but you're lying to us and we know it. The Squeal already IS selling xp, just on a slightly randomized and thus not fully efficient basis. As long as buyable spins remain in the game, you are betraying the very values and integrity of RuneScape that you have the gall to boast about.
If you need the money that badly, fine, sell cosmetic items until the cows come home. But you ARE selling XP on the Squeal, and with the new "bank boosters" the Solomon Store IS selling an ingame advantage, another thing you promised would never happen.
While a lot of people (myself included) are looking forward to the new engine and new content, the core problem remains. You have violated the principles of the game, and you continue to do so. THIS is NOT the way to win back our trust. "

29-Aug-2012 19:22:03 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 19:43:02 by Mod Stevew



Posts: 69 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Since people are too stupid to think for themselves; the reason Jagex is releasing new ways of spending our lovely money on, is so that they can use said money to improve our beloved game. It might seem like they are being greedy but for once, put away your hate and realize that you've appreciated at least parts of the releases. I personally love Solomon's General Store and I don't mind the SoF although I do not like the fact that you can buy experience through the lamps and pendants.
The game is NOT as expensive as other P2P games, it's not a P2W game and you most certainly WON'T have to spend your money on the game. It IS the best free to play game for a reason.

29-Aug-2012 19:22:06



Posts: 3,910 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Get rid of XP and gold from the SOF and Solomon's store, then I might be temped to buy the silly outfits. It's a reassuring post and I'm exited about the anti-bot updates. Will the second bot nuke be a supplement to the first, or is an entirely new system being worked on?
Thanks for acknowledging the bad feedback, perhaps we can make a compromise; as others have stated, making the micro-thingy only available to those who have enough loyalty points. I can spend another pound on membership, if that's what it takes to make rwt unnecessary to funding the game.
The cosmetic idea to raise money is a nice idea (although I don't see why anyone would want an ice cream cone hat) but shoving it in my face all the time gets quite annoying.
By the what, what future developments do you have in mind for Solomon's and sof,and how will they serve to ease many players qualms with these updates?

29-Aug-2012 19:23:39 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 19:24:20 by KingStannis5



Posts: 166 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks jagex, gives me some hope for the future of rs.
Can't w8 for the bot nuke and the "epic" quests.
Will those quest be part of one storyline?
Or do I have to w8 until bts?
finally: I hope maybe some day u (jagex)'ll realise that removing buyable spins is ftw ;)
nittert :P ,
proud owner of a quest cape and really want a slay cape ^_^
the Magnificent
Jagex, why can I not see my T O_o

29-Aug-2012 19:23:45

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