
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Mod Stevew

Mod Stevew

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
You also make the future of the game seem bright, however, I do have to question the seriousness of this post, especially where you promise not to directly sell gold, xp or accounts.
Hey Lyra, glad to hear you find the information useful.
You ask about the 'seriousness' of the message, well all I can say is that it was written by Mark, and he runs the company. For that reason alone, you can have absolute faith that anything in the text is the direction Jagex will take.

29-Aug-2012 18:41:02

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 1,711 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"how we’re making sure that we do not undermine what makes it the adventure game that millions of us, worldwide, enjoy on a daily basis"
<The main challenge of runescape was grinding. You took that away>
"we naturally take extreme care when introducing significant changes to its gameplay"
<row glitch, duel arena glitch, gravestone glitch, crucible glitch, need i say more>
"This is called Jagex Account Guardian, and we're introducing it within the next two weeks."
<Great! more 'confirms' and useless clicking to protect kids accounts who try to download autominer.exe>
"As I touched on before, the team - all of whom are committed gamers, like you"
<LOL! This one is the best. They may be gamers but they sure as hell don't play runescape. If they did we wouldn't have to wait weeks upon weeks for those annoying 'click issues' or 'fps lags'. the 'commited gamers' would find most bugs and annoyances themselfs, am i right?>
<Besides, I will forever remember the mod that posted on forums when SOF came out and said they were CHUFFED over winning am emerald>
*roll eyes*

29-Aug-2012 18:41:27



Posts: 3,483 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'We already have RuneScape running in a new and improved client architecture built on HTML5'
This news is fantastic. When do you hope to have it out to your players?

29-Aug-2012 18:41:29 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 18:42:18 by Wensley

Sir Jermoe

Sir Jermoe

Posts: 611 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i want to know why i am now paying for you to fill my members game with adverts? really i only pay to avoid the adverts and to play full screen.
i have no desire to keep buying membership or maybe not even resuming playing this game if i dont get the no adverts i am pretty sure was the standard for being a member

29-Aug-2012 18:41:57



Posts: 11,821 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In regards to the end user, what will be required from the user in order to migrate from Java to HTML5? Will I be able to just click "play now" and start playing? Or will there be extensive downloads required to upgrade to HTML5 before I can start playing RuneScape again?

29-Aug-2012 18:42:10

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