
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Shadow Ruin

Shadow Ruin

Posts: 677 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For all you people saying
"thank you, now i know what it was that you were doing"
You have got to be kidding. Also to the people saying INB4JagexSellsGold. Uhhhhhhh.. That would mean GF RS and THEY KNOW THIS! So just chill.
Next, enough with the bot nuke drama!! FFS when it comes it comes, learn to play with bots or GTFO! And if any of you knew anything about bots, the Writers are alot more intelligent than you think.
If yall ever watched the Interview with Jacmob on Youtube, then you should know what I'm talking about. How he mentions how updating their Bot Client took the press of a button. If the bot writers keep changing how their updater works, then of course it will keep getting delayed! I personally have faith in Jacmob because he was a part of all of the botting websites, so he knows how they all work. Also, he was the first person to create a working bot client after the first nuke. IN A WEEK!! What does that say about him? It says that he knows basically everything there is to know about Botting/Java and it's in-and-outs.
L2BePatient Or get another game.

30-Aug-2012 01:24:07

Nov Member 2019


Posts: 184 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ah so finally you admit you have added mirco transactions!
something I believe you said you would never do.
you have not been honest about squeal wheel since the beginning : most players want it? It won't give any fair advantages? Its not gambling? I sorry but that is not what I am getting from reading all the threads on it.
Clearly your customers are not happy with it.
you won't remove it ? maybe you could do what one player mentioned :could you add a device that allows people to switch it off completely if they choose to.
All the items that have been made available on the wheel should also not be limited and should be available to all even those that don't choose to use wheel.
You really need to adjust the fairness of all your recent updates.
!. All those special items on spin wheel shouldn't be limited. should't have cheated quest cape holders.
3.enable a device to switch off all spins .
oh and you got one thing right... high scores back for non members, well done.

30-Aug-2012 01:24:14 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 01:25:49 by Bodicato



Posts: 279 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After 5 years of play, I believe I have a pretty good handle on what attracted the more hard core player to Runescape. Since Jagex sold out, the devolution in those qualities that made this game unique and attractive to folks, like myself, who are disinterested in WoW type games has been tough to watch.
Runescape's previous success was owed as much to the organic interplay between the community and the game than anything else. That strong community is pretty much gone. That strength that it brought is gone.
A real shame but, as the song goes, you often don't know what you had until it's gone.
Of course, as of tonight, Jagex is down one more member.

30-Aug-2012 01:26:39



Posts: 299 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First of all thank you for your insight on the matters at hand.
I've been with the game for nearly 10 years and I would love to stick around and see this game grow and develop, but I am absolutely disgusted by the lack of bot control.
Use our money to make a real and lasting impression on the fight against bots! Check up on the sites all through runescape that bots flock to. Implement a plan that identifies and destroys bots as they are made.
Create more worlds that only higher level combat and skilled players can log into. Somehow come up with a method that makes account creation very difficult for mass goldfarming operations.
I feel let down by you Jagex. I can't enjoy your game when I feel like it has been thrown into an ant hill of bots. It simply disgusts me to the point of wanting to quit because I see no point in playing or competing against drones that ruin the nature of this great game.
I really hope that you do implement a bot destroying plan that takes care of more than 95 percent of the bots that plague this game. I also really hope that you continue to monitor and react to this issue with haste and consideration to the rest of the honest players that try to enjoy runescape.
Don't let me down Jagex! I have stuck by your side through thick and thin and have supported you every step of the way!
Myself and many others will eventually walk away from runescape if the change that you say you are implementing isn't a success or you don't follow up on it and continue to fight for us.

30-Aug-2012 01:30:23



Posts: 13,708 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Another Jagex cover up............... Remove the Spins and Solomans general store@ and restore Runescapes Honor!!!

removing bots is a good idea........which i support..... but how abut the bots THAT PM YOUR ACTUAL ACCOUNT@!!! i get at least 5-20 pms daily from bots....................
___a lil off topic but a bigggger issue..........____
How about making gambling on rs against the rules??? start banning the hot and cold kids? and doublers?
I've seen so many mods in worlds with bots/spammers/scammers and they ignore them............. they don't even mute anymore

30-Aug-2012 01:31:22



Posts: 1,905 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I hope the HTML5 engine get's launched.
I'm concerned, though, that switching to HTML5 will make bot-development easier.
I don't know how the engine is set-up, but typically HTML5 works using javascript. Javascript is open-source and most web browsers have a console for writing live script (usually F12).
Don't get me wrong, I hope it can be pulled off.
Personally, I think it's brilliant (if it can be done). I think of Runescape as a "real" mmo, like WoW or SWTOR. Runescape could be the first one to have a real mobile presence.

30-Aug-2012 01:33:26

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