
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear Jagex,
I have had constant membership ever since about 2002, on different accounts. I do have some things I'd like to address about you're latest post. I would like this to be informative to you about how an experienced player takes in these updates. This is a game that i grew up with, and i absolutely love it. But there are just some habits and such that have been introduced this year that is really grinding most of the communities gears. First off, i would love to see this game go far into the future, but i would like it to maintain the integrity that i had first been introduced to. I believe it is your right to sell cosmetic items such as emotes and costumes so that you can make extra revenue besides just membership. However the SoF and the bank bonus on the Solomon's store is a bit much. If you think it is not selling gold or XP, you're wrong. You can potentially make serious XP per hour by stocking up on spins, which is unfair to average players who do not have the resources to do so. The Bank Boost is absolutely ridiculous i believe, because that is a very clear advantage that is unfair to the general populace. Since the release of these updates, the new content that has been released has not been satisfactory at all. It has all been RWT related content. We need actual game content that is playable, not more ad's to look at each time we log on. I am very concerned for this game, i do not feel like I'm even logging on to Runescape anymore. I have defended you're integrity and honor in the past Jagex, but i believe I cannot do so anymore. Please take your actions into consideration and give us an honest syllabus for you're plans for this game. I've heard enough about the future, we need to know about now. As for the Bot Nuke, I hope it works, the bots are absolutely destroying the game for real legit players. As for the new engine, it looks fantastic. I hope you are able to clean up your act before the mature population acts by leaving (including me).

30-Aug-2012 01:12:20

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 6,194 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I once spun the Squeal of Fortune.
I did from when it came out, to weeks after buyable spins were introduced.
I stopped spinning after realizing how devaluing it was.
I was gaining all of this stuff for free, and really I never earned it.
I have been stuck with the knowledge that I was one of the alleged 90% that supported the SoF.
Today, I have redeemed myself.
I went to the altar deep in the wilderness near the ice plateau and dropped more than what I believe I received.
I dropped 220K of wealth at least, having dumped all 101k from my coin pouch and the other being my melee equipment, excluding my sword.
I then proceeded, having nothing but my Rune Longsword, to the Forinthry dungeon.
I went straight to the Revenant Dark Beast and attacked it, knowing I would die.
The Revenant Dark Beast represents those who run RuneScape.
You know, had other players had done the same, that Dark Beast would have fallen.
Metaphors, metaphors...

30-Aug-2012 01:13:06

Mogga 45

Mogga 45

Posts: 1,328 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i rarely say anything this days, because i have nothing good to say.
and i know that i'll just get a buthurt mod and ban me from the forums...
runescape is a game, that is not worth playing anymore. (the last couple of years)
runescape has become copy off the cheap chinese multi online games.
same combat style (combat beta), which sucks.
real world trade, buy ingame goods, the main reason i never played other games, because i HATE spending money on worthless pixels.
and jagex them self is just horrible, they keep doing everything wrong and they know it.
very few people like jagex and runescape.
honestly if it wasnt for the damn sof, i wouldnt even log on .

30-Aug-2012 01:16:48 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 01:18:23 by Mogga 45

Chris Pirtle
Nov Member 2007

Chris Pirtle

Posts: 2,454 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't believe you when you say you're not going to sell gold and xp, but whatever.
It's funny how everytime you post these concern-type new post you go off subject with this generic "it's for teh good of teh future! here look at these pretty updates you'll get sometime maybe"
Well since it's the only good thing in your post I guess I'll give my feedback on it:
The draw distance/increased viewing distance looks great. Just a little choppy in the background. I think this was mentioned in a forum post before by a Mod. Something about standing in the roof of the alkharid palace and being able to see varrock. I'm also interested in seeing RS on Xbox360. You really need to share ALL your projects for your current graphic projects. Looks like we got reflections in the water on this HTML5 pic. We ever gonna get dynamic player shadows?
-Maxed Player

30-Aug-2012 01:18:09 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 01:18:31 by Chris Pirtle

Mar Member 2008


Posts: 4,549 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'll tell you what I got from MMG's rather long proclamation for why they're doing what they're doing and why it's going to continue:
"We will never, repeat that, NEVER, "directly" sell gold or xp. But you can be sure as hell that we'll continue to do so "indirectly" through SoF, for the time being."
Can't say I blame them in the least. It's a money-making venture thanks to all the greedy SOBs in the game who can't be bothered to just play the game as it is. They have money to burn and love to flaunt it in everyone's face. But the continued selling of spins which generally means that players get their hands on xp lamps and gold for real world cash still goes against MMG's lofty BS-filled news post.
So, in essence, nothing will change. SoF and Solomon's Store will remain and yes folks, they will eventually cross that line in the future and make it possible for players to buy fully maxed accounts for the right price. But leave it to MMG to find some new-fangled way of calling it something different because Jagex would NEVER stoop to such low behavior. Yeah, right.
They're listening to players' feedback, but most of all, they're counting all that money coming in so, thank you fellow players for feeding Jagex's greed. You all suck.

30-Aug-2012 01:21:38 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 01:24:37 by Pachuli714

Mar Member 2020


Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I play this game for my friends in the Clan Chat or Friends Chat. And I will continue to play just to communicate with them. I always love the graphical updates. I like the next wave of bot nuke, RS has gotten crowded again.
I have never purchased any of those Runecoins or Extra spins cause their just a waste of rl money.
All the luck working on this game.

30-Aug-2012 01:21:43 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 01:23:44 by Perr

J ong

J ong

Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Respect man, at the end of the day we all need to realise that JaGeX is still a company that needs to pay its employees, earn profit, improve its game AND keep its community happy.
It's never going to be 100% perfect, yeah i hate MT and i think they slightly devalue the game but they are needed if not necessary to ensure that Runescape has a future. They NEED money to keep it going, and when they loose bot membership and players drifting away they need to find a new source of income. They had to increase membership but if it keeps going up then they would definatley loose a large portion of their members, so they had to implement something that wouldn't affect the majority but bring in profit. SoF could have been thought out a bit better but solomon's to the games functionality and playing experience and it means the few can ensure the many have a game to play next year and the years after that.
Like i said we'll have our ups and down but jagex genuinely seem to have a passion for their game and want to keep it alive, yes you may be just as anjoyed and dissapointed at micro-transactions but imagine how the mods feel when projects they worked on for months are slated and dead content before or shortly after release, i.e. EoC and the crucible. I bet you there more annoyed than you but they go back and try it again, i mean think of the guys doing EoC. They have daily complaints of the system and people rage quitting because of their work and all they want to do is make a game for us.
We all need to realise they all need jobs and make their business/game expand without going bankrupt and yeah they mite implement a few bad updates because of that but hey ho, chin up and all that :) just love the game and give them the support they deserve and we should give them. No more bitching or general trolling, negative comments should be critical and constructive not just a waste of a read.
have a nice day, and give those jagexian's some loving :D

30-Aug-2012 01:22:01

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