Dear Jagex,
I have had constant membership ever since about 2002, on different accounts. I do have some things I'd like to address about you're latest post. I would like this to be informative to you about how an experienced player takes in these updates. This is a game that i grew up with, and i absolutely love it. But there are just some habits and such that have been introduced this year that is really grinding most of the communities gears. First off, i would love to see this game go far into the future, but i would like it to maintain the integrity that i had first been introduced to. I believe it is your right to sell cosmetic items such as emotes and costumes so that you can make extra revenue besides just membership. However the SoF and the bank bonus on the Solomon's store is a bit much. If you think it is not selling gold or XP, you're wrong. You can potentially make serious XP per hour by stocking up on spins, which is unfair to average players who do not have the resources to do so. The Bank Boost is absolutely ridiculous i believe, because that is a very clear advantage that is unfair to the general populace. Since the release of these updates, the new content that has been released has not been satisfactory at all. It has all been RWT related content. We need actual game content that is playable, not more ad's to look at each time we log on. I am very concerned for this game, i do not feel like I'm even logging on to Runescape anymore. I have defended you're integrity and honor in the past Jagex, but i believe I cannot do so anymore. Please take your actions into consideration and give us an honest syllabus for you're plans for this game. I've heard enough about the future, we need to know about now. As for the Bot Nuke, I hope it works, the bots are absolutely destroying the game for real legit players. As for the new engine, it looks fantastic. I hope you are able to clean up your act before the mature population acts by leaving (including me).
30-Aug-2012 01:12:20