
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

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Posts: 20 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i don't really have a problem with sof and sgs as long as the rest of the rest of the game continues to get updated.
as for those graphical updates would it be possible to bring a direct x type thing to a mac? that would be awsome

30-Aug-2012 01:00:59

Platelegs 2
Nov Member 2022

Platelegs 2

Posts: 488 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Can you please upload a higher detail picture of the Draw Distance picture?
It looks very grainy and i don't think that a teaser picture of such an improvement to how the game looks should have such low detail.
Oh yeah, You guys should add those pictures to the "Screen Shots" section in "Media".
- Platelegs

30-Aug-2012 01:02:30

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 657 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really did enjoy this game while it lasted. But for me, the bottom line is that jagex has sold out. With the direction this game has taken (concerning microtransactions) It is no longer RuneScape. You can still call it that, but RuneScape died some time ago. Your principals are the not principals of the game I fell in love with so many years ago. Your goals are not the same as the game I spent so much of my time playing. I have held out until now in hope that the game will get better, but Im tired of waiting for something that isnt gonna come. Right now, all I see is you guys playing puppet master with the desecrated corpse of RuneScape in a final attempt to squeeze whatever you can out of it before everyone realizes the truth. RuneScape is dead.
I had hope for RuneScape yet, but these microtransactions are the nails in the coffin.
The game I knew and loved playing is dead.

30-Aug-2012 01:05:50

Poes Minoes
Feb Member 2013

Poes Minoes

Posts: 1,168 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So basicly what Mister CEO is saying.
Sorry no can do.
Now that whole anit-bot thing you guys are doing sounds great but I fear that it will turn out to be a dud like all other anti-bot updates so far.
So long you guys aren't willing to really hard ass against the bots you will never win that fight.
I warned you all about the potential super botting on the grotworms.
Nothing was done and now there are 50-60 bots there on every world.
And trying to protect us from fishing sites is just DUMB.
It's 99% of the guys that wanna cheat and buy gold that get infected.
After a good 7 years I never got hacked not even once.
But then I never open emails from anybody or click on any link in them.
And I don't follow sites that are called from hackers inside the game.
And guys stay away from youtube links and or skype.
And make a good drowssap. (read this word backwards)
not something stupid like a name+number that all your friends now.
And JAGEX get you head out of Amerika and get it back to the UK.
They are forcing you guys to earn the money while destroying the game.
And for the love of god DON'T release EoC.
It's death for all pures and that a really really big part of the players.
But he why listen to me.
I have only been right on everything so far.
Predicted the bank space sale.
And I gave the idea for that new progress bar on the screen.
By the way thanks for the thanks I got for that.
Or should I say the lak of it.
I gave them that idea about 5 months before it became part of the game.
Only mine looked a little differently that's all.

30-Aug-2012 01:06:23 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 01:07:17 by Poes Minoes

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Break Yelps
First off, brilliant name :D
Glad to see someone else has done their homework. I've been posting things against this blatant pack of lies and false promises since about page 37 and I've read every post on every page between that one and this one (how many IVP members can say the same?) and you're, i believe, the 2nd person besides myself who has pointed this out. While many people have had some very valid and reasoned arguments (thank you all for taking the time out of your day to show IVP just how much we all hate them and what they've done) I'm pretty sure that if you want to stop this stream of idiocy the fastest way to do that is to attack IVP itself, not Jagex. As long as IVP can remain in the shadows so to speak (they censor their name on the forums of the game they own, that has to tell you something) they will never have any incentive to change their policy.
Granted, even forcing them to accept what they're doing instead of leaving the mods to take the blame won't change the fact that they are entirely out for personal profit and couldn't care less about this game but it might help. RS has a fairly large player base, despite the inflated numbers from bots, and since IVP seems to be going after one MMORPG after the next, if they are exposed enough perhaps they can be forced to stop the destruction of our game. If they don't, several hundred thousand players will need a new game, and when IVP tries to buy that one i doubt that the players will stand for it. In essence, they must be made to see that it is the same group of players who plays all of these games and if people are made aware of what they are doing, IVP eventually won't be able to continue the process because players will simply begin to boycott the games they buy up (yes, i'm talking in the future tense here, as in like the next 5-10 years). If you want to hurt venture capitalists, the easiest way to do that is to prevent them from making money in the future on new companies.

30-Aug-2012 01:06:41



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You don`t want to see the feedback from "your" comunity, you only want to see the feedback from your pocket! Just remove the SoF, the Solomon`s General Store and think about what the Evolution Of Combat represents for RuneScape. That is all that we want you to do!

30-Aug-2012 01:07:45 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 01:10:15 by Bkuzr

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Forgive the wall of text, been at this for about 5 hours and i'm getting kind of tired lol. Still, it's worth reading if you want a decent explanation for what's happening and possibly how to help prevent it.

30-Aug-2012 01:09:14



Posts: 279 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You cannot build a firm foundation on crumbling sand. Customer loyalty is predicated on customer trust. Given all the revisionist history the current CEO dabbles in there can be no trust in what he or his minders say. None.
It's just a matter of time before the tattered shreds of core constituency of the Runescape community leaves.
Along those lines, I'm canceling two more memberships leaving only one remaining. That's down from a high of 9.
A successful business understands that it's cheaper and more profitable to RETAIN customers than cultivate new ones. As an example, at the height of my family's interest in RS, we were spending *700+ yearly on the game. Chances are I'll be spending about $50 more completing my 99's and then I'm out.
Customer churn is not good for business and certainly will spell the end of what we think of as Runescape (you can already sense the desperation with all the recent promotions).

30-Aug-2012 01:11:05

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