I really did enjoy this game while it lasted. But for me, the bottom line is that jagex has sold out. With the direction this game has taken (concerning microtransactions) It is no longer RuneScape. You can still call it that, but RuneScape died some time ago. Your principals are the not principals of the game I fell in love with so many years ago. Your goals are not the same as the game I spent so much of my time playing. I have held out until now in hope that the game will get better, but Im tired of waiting for something that isnt gonna come. Right now, all I see is you guys playing puppet master with the desecrated corpse of RuneScape in a final attempt to squeeze whatever you can out of it before everyone realizes the truth. RuneScape is dead.
I had hope for RuneScape yet, but these microtransactions are the nails in the coffin.
The game I knew and loved playing is dead.
30-Aug-2012 01:05:50