This is Zingzinn, also the account of Novazinnzing.
This would be my first time to buy Premier Club but I'm thinking about it.
In this will be discussing about better Premier Club bonus XP, add on skills or to skills, bonus items, and outfits and overrides that would keep people buying Premier Club.
Why get Premier Club when little bonus XP. There should be higher XP bonus. Premier Club should be more of an advantage. Higher XP would keep customers buying. Gold Premier Club should be better XP bonus. Not everyday or month a person is playing RuneScape or have the time to play. Playing everyday may stress someone out. Gold Premier Club costs more and therefore should have better XP bonus.
Secondly, add on skills or to skills. The Slayer bonus as an add on is good although there should be other add ons. Slayer bonus should give out more points or doubled when completing a Slayer task. This is so people would do slayer. Dungeoneering would be a good add on. There can be extra tokens being given out or doubled when doing Dungeoneering like games. Also Dungeoneering should be an add on in case people have one-twenty Slayer.
There should be bonus items like Slayer VIP coupons, bonds, gp, deathtouched darts, proteans, and more when buying Premier Club. For bonds Premier Club can be bought with bonds. But receiving a bond for being a member of Premier Club can be a discount for people buying with bonds if bonds are given with the Premier Club benefits. These bonus items should be in Premier Club. People would want to buy Premier Club more often.
Outfits and overrides given out each year for Premier Club members. The Premier Club should offer overrides and outfits. This would make people buy. Some Premier Club outfits and overrides should be given out. For people who missed certain Premier Club years.
I think the Premier Club should be better each year with more bonus XP, add on for skills or to skills, bonus items, and outfits and overrides so customers keep buying.
21-Nov-2018 04:15:04