My two gp...
1. Wow, that's a lot more than I remember paying last year in CAD. What's up with the price increase but no real benefits increase?
2. The disparity between the three tiers is too wide. There's little incentive to pay for bronze, and silver is very stingy. If the point of this Club is to reward members and make money for the game, that's not how to do it.
3. Bonus Loyalty Points - nice, but since there's been barely any new stuff in available in Solomon's Store over the last year (Really? No Halloween-related outfits, pets, hairstyles, or weapons at all?), that's not a priority for me. Solomon's has been lackluster for a *long* time.
4. Runemetrics Discount - completely useless to me. I barely ever glance at the thing.
5. The Valkyrie outfit seems extremely meh. It looks like very little thought was put in it - it's pretty standard Store armour with some wing motifs thrown in.
6. VIP world access and forum access - also pretty useless me.
7. The forum badge and chat badge are nice to have, and should be available to all three tiers, in my opinion. Colour them differently from each other if you really need to trumpet which tier.
8. Exclusive Q & A's - again, not something useful to me at all.
9. Monthly prize draw is nice.
It seems to me that the majority of the Club benefits are completely tangential to the game itself - the forum access, Q & A, Runemetrics, forum and chat badges. I would be happy paying for something that gave tangible, in-game benefits. New and different outfits, new hairstyles, new pets, new auras, new overrides, new character models. Or perhaps access to different locations, like with Dungeoneering and the mines.
All in all, the entire offering is really lacking this year, and it just seems all the more obvious thanks to the incredible price hike.
I love this game and I want to support it, but I want to feel like I'm getting quality for my price and not just afterthoughts.
16-Nov-2018 02:09:28
- Last edited on
16-Nov-2018 02:16:16