I am starting to think some of the people complaining have botting accounts.
* same issue being mentioned......What's if I want to start a new account? start it now you have over 8 weeks before rates increase and put it onto a re occurring payment. Problem solved the current rate will apply (NOT THE JUNE 4TH ONE)
* Where do you find the time to play more then 2 accounts (I seen posts where people have 4 accounts)
Either you have a Job or your attending school (of any grade lvl)
*I understand everyone has their Payment method, but players of rs for many years have seen price hikes before. why would you not secure a long term low cost (grandfather rate)?
I took a year of rs myself and let the re occurring payment run, because I knew I would return.
I am a grown lady that raised 2 girls that are now grown and a young man that will graduate high school in 2 years. Even though I was and I am a stay at home mom, all 3 kids have kept me very busy (son still keep me busy). all 3 kids have and had afterschool activities which we parents were and are very involved in. I get that people like old school or iron man, but as a wife, and mother and a busy life style I found only time for 1 account which isn't even close to maxed. While I have had many more rs hours avail to me then, the average person on rs. I find it hard to even max 1 account let alone 2, 3 or 4. So I really don't comprehend all the complaints. I am sorry but I just don't get it. How in the heck can you all MAX all the content so fast and beg for more more and more and start NEW accounts
14-Apr-2018 02:26:51