Honestly, the reason I started membership on RS many moons ago was because it was an ok quality game for a really low price. It was the low price that made it comparable with other MMORPGs in the market. With the ok quality game side still true, its becoming increasingly hard to justify paying the price when it is rapidly approaching the same price as other contenders without increasing quality.
RS needs to have a major overhaul if it going to stay relevant. Currently the game runs on vets, I included. I still pay the ancient rate of $5 a month. The cost doesn't hit me directly, but it in turn hits the longevity of the game. Take for example I was a new internet gamer like before. If RS per month was eleven dollars then as it is now, I most certainly would have buggered off to another game, that or just grabbed something like GamePass on xbox and missed the world in its entirety. We NEED new blood. This is not the way.
11-Apr-2018 18:01:22