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I'm thinking they might very well do a complete wipe. Eliminate ALL accounts and anybody wanting to start over (on their mobile ap maybe hahahaha!) would be invited to do so. And that, only if they don't decide to not only move HQ to China and lock the rest of the world out.
Yes ! They are spending 300m on a game that they can't even run domestically in China without heavy modifications as it would violate Chinese law, so why not wiping the entire existing player base, which makes up for a good amount of Jagex market value, so to reduce profits to 0 and create an awesome return on investment of 0 ! Makes perfect sense !
Oh and what Marcusorion2 said, btw.
Keep telling yourself that the existing 368 MILLION gamers already IN China don't matter at all. Whatever floats your boat.
Lines of code are easier to remove than you might imagine and they could entirely wipe out the current player base and end up with massive profit (and if you think a company investing 300M is stupid, that's on you, most of us won't make that mistaken assumption).
But yeah, you go right on telling yourself whatever it is that lets you sleep at night.. while the rest of us watch it happen and you're the only one surprised by it. LMAO
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
20-Mar-2016 03:46:53