I'd like to give my opinions but before that i just would like to mention that i may not have followed through all the updates about this regarding issues so its solely opinon based.
I have played runescape for about 11-12-ish years now with breaks for my studies but every now and then i enjoyed paying a visit to the rs community.
I think runescape have done a splendid job maintaining the game over the past couple of years.
For the staffs and employees for jagex runescape division
(Us the community can sometimes demand alot lolz, you guys deserve appreciation for ur hard work)
As a fellow asian gamer myself, i look forward for runescape opening in the asian market.
In my opinion, runescape might be better with extra additional playerbase, i would suggest you do some advertising though if this potention acquisition did not happen.
Recently i have not found alot of noobs in runescape, and many of the players i see are mostly veterans. Runescape really needs additional players. I need noobs to throw my gp at lolz.
Though there are just things i worried about such as the botters, gold farmers and about the microtransactions that other people have mentioned.
China is a country which is really famous for ingame gold farming and rwt, a more sophisticated botting sytems might just develop with the increase of the playerbase. I do hope to not see anymore bots in the future.
I do question the tendency of runescape after the acquisition tho, i just hope that there will not be drastic change that hinders most of us as players.
If the acquisiton do happen, i would just hope that the runescape community driven spirits or those players opinion regards for future ùpdates will still be kept.
Looking forwaŕd towards the updates that u guys will make.
26-Mar-2016 10:02:41