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I'm a bit puzzled. What do you mean by 'upgrades' that you can currently buy in RS3?
Well I was actually thinking the xp and gp to begin with (but I wouldn't expect it to stay the same, I would expect it to massively increase because that's how games in China seem to work; and work quite well with that audience I might add).
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
Please this cant go ahead so many runescapers are affriad that it will change runescape forever, this is a huge misteak we want runescape to stay in england only ,,, i know a lot of people wont pay by cash for members if this goes ahead bonds will be used im sure i wont be paying for china to play runescape .. please this cant go ahead
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Please this cant go ahead so many runescapers are affriad that it will change runescape forever, this is a huge misteak we want runescape to stay in england only ,,, i know a lot of people wont pay by cash for members if this goes ahead bonds will be used im sure i wont be paying for china to play runescape .. please this cant go ahead
Worldwide servers... worldwide game..
American investors hold controlling interest (and decision making) of jagex..
I think your want of "runescape to stay in england only" hasn't been possible since Insight got controlling shares in 2010.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
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Fifi he believes that the new company will change the entire structure of the game so that it fits in the free**um model because that is the most popular model of game in China.
Absolutely not true that free**um is the most popular model of games in China. The FACT is almost all online games in China are free to play. Even the very few "subscription" based games like WoW in China do not actually require a monthly subscription. Their so-called "subscription" is non-recurring. A purchase of one game time card = 1 subscription. It is basically one microtransaction per "subscription".
26-Mar-2016 03:43:28
- Last edited on
26-Mar-2016 03:44:50
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If we left things the way they are and never tried to improve we would be stuck without wheels.
Some would argue that Mankind was better off in the forests than they ever will be in a city .
"Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans." -
Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
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Original message details are unavailable.
Fifi he believes that the new company will change the entire structure of the game so that it fits in the free**um model because that is the most popular model of game in China.
Absolutely not true that free**um is the most popular model of games in China. The FACT is almost all online games in China are free to play. Even the very few "subscription" based games like WoW in China do not actually require a monthly subscription. Their so-called "subscription" is non-recurring. A purchase of one game time card = 1 subscription. It is basically one microtransaction per "subscription".
So they mostly follow the free**um structure just like I said. Just say I'm wrong again then reword what I said.
@Fosbinder, while its not the topic of the thread Ill throw a short reply. If humans didn't progress in technology then there wouldn't be as many of us around. We seem to be doing too well because of technology.