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And where in that did I state that "all shareholders have already agreed to sell prior to this thread" ? Please, highlight it for me.
You keep going in circle again. You said you knew somebody else stated it on the another thread, now locked, prior to my posts on this thread. Sir/Madam, if you really want to stop going in circle again. I am fine with it. Every user can read anyway, but it doesn't change the more important fact they want to know, i.e., every Jagex shareholder has approved the sale of the company, pending the delivery of the first $100 million by April 30.
You keep claiming I stated things, but then refuse to quote the posts in which I stated it. And the reason is that those posts don't exist, because I never stated that. We keep going in circles because you keep claiming I said things, and when I ask you to quote them, you can't, because I never stated them, and then it starts again when you continue to claim I stated things that I didn't.
For goodness sakes already, just quote the post in which I made such statements already.
Quote me where I stated that either "all shareholders have already agreed to sell prior to this thread" or where you claim I stated that I "knew somebody else stated it on the another thread, now locked, prior to [your* posts on this thread".
Sir/Madam, again, again and again, on the 4th post of page 143, you stated you saw what I posted on another (now locked) post. Did you just tell us you want to stop arguing on this and I said I don't have any problem? Again, I honor your suggestion that we let the users of this forum who can read and reason continue with what this thread pertains primarily to.
01-Apr-2016 05:11:01