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"No they aren't . Race is still a theory . Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them".
That rather depends on what scientific paper you happen to be reading. For instance, SNP data from Shriver et al. 2005. Human Genomics 2: 81-89 declares that :
Populations that are geographically closer together tend to be genetically more similar to one another
. This is expected, because geographic neighbors are more likely to have historical connections and to exchange mates".
If groups of people are genetically similar in a given geographical area (and by implication slightly different to others in different geographical areas) then that sounds very much like a racial variation to me.
However, this thread really isn't about racial characteristics at a DNA level or even, indeed, racism. Except when Tclcis keeps bringing it up when he runs out of anything sensible to say to a perfectly valid point.
When the catalogued factual data shows that the highest level of goldfarming took place in Asia - specifically China - and this collected data cannot be refuted .... accuse the poster of being racist.
Lol - how very limp.
For the record, I very much doubt that the new owners will make much difference to the current level of goldfarming. I hope I am proved right.
There are papers on the Flat Earth Theory and Societies based around it.. Doesn't make the world flat..
24-Mar-2016 11:40:27