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Regardless of whom owns the majority share, a shareholder cannot be forced to sell their shares in the company. You literally have to buy them out. In many instances the minority shareholders are paid substantially more per share than the majority shareholders, simply to "persuade" them to sell their shares. The only exception to this is if there is a prior shareholder agreement made before the shares were originally divided, such as a "drag-along" agreement. However, since there was only one share in the company when it founded in 2001 (Andrew held the 1 share until 2002 when it was split between himself, Paul and Constant), it is highly doubtful that there were any shareholder agreements made, thus, any shares in the company are private property, and cannot be forced to sell, regardless if 99% of the shareholders want to sell.
This been done in the business world since business started to go through all the tactics of business legal and illegal would require me to write a book on it basically to put it in short minority share holders do not have more rights then majority share holders... If it were that case business world would just fall apart as we know it.
I don't see the sky raining in with darkness approaching as far as I know it keeping it as simple as I can Majority owns Minority in every country practicing business... You can debate it all you like but that just the fact the controlling interest is IVP even if the other 45% doesn't want to sell they can force the sell.
Is it easy and is it possible yes I was working for a company that out raised capital of the current owner.... Effective immediately he was promptly bought out and fired which is the company he started because the Majority choose to do that. That is business who ever has more shares and more $$ comes out on top.
23-Mar-2016 14:19:09
- Last edited on
23-Mar-2016 14:25:13
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