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If that were the case, I would have just bought a vending machine in that area, instead of buying this one and having to incur all the relocation costs, etc.
If they simply wanted a software development company in China, it would be a lot easier and cheaper to simply start their own, rather than buying a foreign company. Especially if their plan is to abandon the current userbase.
Now now, where did I say they'd abandon their playerbase? I'm just sayin': If costs to maintain competent staff are cheaper elsewhere, even when including costs like relocation, there's little reason NOT to move them.
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If they do get involved, I would suspect it would be more of a focus on the mobile market, a.k.a. RuneScape: Idle Adventures, as China is currently the leader in the mobile gaming market.
Likely, but to say they wouldn't have interest in Runescape itself would be folly.
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Plus, it's a lot easier to have the game translated into Chinese while the game is being developed, instead of trying to undertake the massive task of translating a game like RuneScape which has thousands of hours of pre-existing dialog.
Case in point: Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal because y'know- translations also take up game space and as seen in that game, translations aren't exactly up to *****.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
30-Mar-2016 05:37:46