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This is not the impression I got at all. The steel industry over in china is tanking due to there being massive amounts of surplus, and whatever other issues will magnify the problem of not being able to move inventory. I also saw they had a 600k is unfavorable cash flow - which includes cash and cash equivalents and non cash items are removed (aka the cash flows is your 'liquid' from operarions, investments and financing).
The surplus iron ore is a result of the steel industry buying foreign ore instead of domestic ore. But that surplus can still be sold off to other countries, such as India. It might just take a bit longer to get rid of the surplus.
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As far as switching industries, as you appearently appear to be suggesting, although it isn't unheard of, I would highly doubt that is the mining company's intent. I am curious why you would think this though.
Up until a few years ago, the company was known as the Shandong Hongda Technology Co., and dealt mainly in chemicals. For whatever reason, they took the company a different direction. This might be another one of those moments where they are looking to switch industries. Or they might just be purchasing the company as a cash flow.
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And I hate to get into the mechanics, but revenue alone isn't enough to cover current liabilities. Remember revenue is made up of accounts receivable as well, and depending on their terms, the company may not see the actual cash for awhile.
We don't know what their current liabilities or revenue is, as the 2015 reports are not out yet. They will be submitted on March 26th.
Shandong Hongda Technology Co, wait this is an actual Asian name? It legitimally sounds offensive, But if you sell 100% of your shares you sell all the rights and everything so who knows what might happen.
I've gone from an activity player to an inactive player.
17-Mar-2016 19:13:38