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Very great points, Ghosttalon. As far as the first, it's definitely just an attempt thus far, but I would very much so like to see it succeed and see gold farming websites eliminated.
Secondly I've heard about him/her, but never looked into it myself so could neither personally verify or deny your statement at the moment, but I would assume it is true. I was discussing the 3-strike ban policy earlier with someone who felt all rulebreakers should be terminated on the spot. I'm a strong believer in rehabilitation. I perceive that specific scenario as an act of such, I would assume he's not being paid to flood the game with bots, but is being paid to use his abilities positively to improve the game experience.
As for Jacmob, you're quite possibly more liberal than I. I can't get past that he profited from a criminal activity, and they hire him especially because of his experience with that. So, in essence, he's still getting rewarded for his past illicit activities irl. Quite different from giving a cheating gameplayer a second chance.
As for stopping goldfarming, I actually hope you're right. I just can't get past my skepticism/pessimism given what I know about our CEO's history.
It's never an outright lie with Mr. Gerhard, but the truth of the matter generally doesn't turn out to be the reasoning given, either.
25-Sep-2013 23:15:53