I see how this could hurt gold farmers, however I am not sure it will stop them. Any reduction in them though is good.
I hope real players will not be tempted to bot more with side accounts to earn gp for their mains to buy bonds and pay for membership. This would likely of course result in their mains being banned, so really not a good idea if anyone was thinking of doing this.
Bonds could benefit players who have time to play but not a lot of real life money, who could trade items they produce in game to buy bonds and use the bonds to pay for membership. I see this as a good way to help those who do not have a lot of real life GP to be able to afford membership.
Jagex profits because players buy the bonds with real life money, so someone is paying for the memberships. Profits for Jagex could in fact increase if players buy the bonds, and the players who buy them would be safer buying from Jagex instead of from a dodgy third party RWT site.
If anyone merchants the bonds, this will reduce GP in game because of the tax on making them tradeable again, resulting in deflation which could be good for the average player since items they produce could be worth more.
Overall, I think this may reduce the amount of players cheating in game and hopefully improve the game's community.
I am interested to see how this turns out over time.
I look forward to trying to earn some membership by playing the game, and maybe making some of my F2P accounts members for a short time each.
I am glad Jagex is continuing the fight against botting and RWT. I have happily noticed a large reduction in bots in game.
Only time will tell, but I believe bonds could be good for the game in the long run.
25-Sep-2013 23:05:53