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I am disappointed that Jagex has gone into the gold selling business. I have cancelled my membership.
It was bad enough when the criminals sold gold, now the police are.
Jagex are not selling gold and have no intention of doing so.
Jagex are not introducing additional gold into the economy by allowing the purchase of bonds which selling gold would have done.
Bonds are like any other in-game item in that they can be traded between players or on the Grand Exchange for the value that a player deems the bond to be worth to them.
You say that, but you just arent getting your hands dirty. you are in directly selling gold, you are selling an item that can be traded for currency in game. you say you arent selling gold, and if thats what you think then that is probably why you havent realised that this will not work!
Jagex IS selling gold, maybe not by selling it directly to a player, but selling an item that other players may pay a lot of money for.
25-Sep-2013 18:52:14