i do wonder, if, and i say if because i dont know, if there was a legit way for jagex to just shut down those goldfarming and bot websites, then why dont they just do that in some kind of way?
as for those of you who cant see how this willl end goldfarming, technically its not going to end gold farming, but its meant lower the amount somewhat. idk how, but somehow Jagex is under the assumption that bonds, which provide mems, runecoins, and spins, will somehow inspire players to not want to do rwt with those sites. i dont understand how this will work because one can get a bond but still want to buy from a goldfarmer...so the effectiveness still remains a mystery.
as for those who believe this is just more rwt, your right. spins and runecoins are no different. the only difference is the fact that it's tradable in-game. that's basically the only real flaw? it's true that it'll technically still be traded, but the question is, if a free player doesnt have the money to buy membership or those other things, how far is he willing to go to get it? the fact that it's tradable means that the rs economy now determines how far a free player must go to get it, and i dont trust that. i believe that bonds are more of a thing that clanmates or friends should have insead of the entire community.
25-Sep-2013 18:27:20