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On the flipside it is also true that this will severely discourage gold farmers, even if they try to compete with the money made from buying gifts the costs of both will continuously fall until they give up. In addition buying from Jagex is obviously a lot safer than buying from some dodgy website.
I can't agree or disagree with this update, but I wish Runescape all the best for the future.
i cant say that it'll discourage gold farmers, one can get a bond but still want to gold farm. same thing goes for botters. it just means more membership, runecoins, or spins for them when they are gold farming or botting. that's a mistake jagex made. the update is decent with a few flaws, but i dont see why jagex made it to stop botting and gold farming. but outside that, its a nice update with flaws. severe flaws, mind you.
25-Sep-2013 18:31:31