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Noob kid, how long have you been playing rs? 2 weeks? Has it never come to your attention that when something is NEW, prices fluctuate like CRAZY, and they need time to stabilise?
lmfao was wondering how long it would take you to pull out the "you have a defendong opinion cause youve only been playing since (insert day/month/year) here lol im not gonna tell you when i really started but by your attude id say it was much much longer before you did thats for damn sure and no **** shurlock but im also taking into account that this item gives membership and we know how much in demenad easy ways of membership is
f2p wants non rl cash ways to get membership
some members dont wanna pay rl cash anymore for membership for 1 reason or another
thus huge demand = huge prices i would not be surprised if it stayed at 15 mill eventually or even double that if it got that crazy but i dont see i9t lowering for at least a year or 2
25-Sep-2013 18:24:36