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Guys, what a great idea. I know for a matter of fact that similar systems exist in other MMO's (most notably is probably Guild Wars 2 with their Gems system, but there are also others) and in those games, it works. When I read the first few sentences, I immediately thought of the danger for merchanting, but only a few lines later there was already an explanation how this problem was tackled.
What is also important I think, is the way you explained it. What a great example of good communication with the community. There will surely be questions and I am pretty sure that there will be adjustments made on the system based on experience and feedback of the community, but it seems that this system is thoroughly thought through and from what I can see, this is something all (legit) players will benefit from. Good thing that you outlined the most prominent situations and explained the effects for them. I, myself, will be in the category that will mostly ignored it, but the consequences will definitely be something I will benefit from in the long run.
I assume there will always be people trying to look at the bad sides of this and surely there are negative things one can think of, but this is a solution that seems to be very well designed and it has given me a lot of new hope for the future of Runescape in general.
finally someone with a ******* brain instead of the normal re res with there "i hate jagex" t shirt and hate combo that normally run around on this pathetic forums im using this post as forum fodder maybe itll HOPEFULLY educate some of you uneducated idiots out there tho i doubt it since youve been raging since 2007 lol
25-Sep-2013 18:15:35