
An Important Message

Quick find code: 294-295-324-65645219

May Member 2006


Posts: 3,013 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have always said from the word Go! that its either the Trade limit or Jagex has got to out compete these botters. I would rather have this than people selling gold accoss to gold farming companies.

For those who are not happy it should be a vote either bonds or trade limit as you said doing nothing is not an option.

25-Sep-2013 18:07:01

shade sw

shade sw

Posts: 933 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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this isnt to bad of an idea, put dont you think players will jack up the prices wayyyyyyyyyy to high? the GE already says 15m and im sure with something like this a new group will rise and take advantage of this making prices sky rocket
exactly what i was talling a few players in ge who think it wont some how some way some ass holes well figure out a way to still flip these items for huge profit thus massivly jacking up the prices but overall i like this update and let the jagex/rs3 haters ***** all they want there just mad cause they just spend 80 bucks on a years worth of membership and now this came out lol

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How does the tradeable/untradeable aspects of Bonds work?

Players who buy their Bond from the website will be able to trade their Bond immediately.
If you buy the Bond from the Grand Exchange or receive it through a trade with another player, you’ll have to pay a GP fee to convert it to be tradable again – equalling 10% of the current Grand Exchange price. This 're-trade tax' is to reduce excessive merchanting
and to act as a gold sink. You will be able to convert your bond back to its tradeable state through the Bonds interface, and it is free to redeem the Bond for membership, RuneCoin

hey dumb ass they sell for 7.3 mill atm that only = to 8.8 mill and they can turn around and sell it for 15 mill since you obviously cant do math ill do it for you 8.8 mill - 15 mill = 6.2 mill profit per bond do you really think people in w2 are selling for under ge price?

25-Sep-2013 18:07:27

May Member 2016


Posts: 60 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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You forget that buying from gold sellers didnt add money either it was already there, instead of taking from illegal players your just taking it from legit players now, they basically just started there own rwt ring.

IF bonds change multiple hands before being cashed in, they will do what Jagex WANTS done..... and remove the excess gold from the market. The theory... is sound. I just don't think the changing-multiple-hands part will happen.

I'd prefer a giant gold for Solomon's store items sale, rather than this. And banning people who buy from gold sellers, rather than this. Useful in theory, not in practice.

25-Sep-2013 18:07:54

Mar Member 2021


Posts: 5,825 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't understand this. So are you telling me on top of what I pay for membership, I now have to buy runebonds if I want to trade in game items? errr couldn't we do that already.

I know hindsight is 20/20, but wouldn't it have been better to keep the trade limit than to give even more advantages to those who are wealthier.

Sounds like it is time for me to rage quit again, only I doubt I will bother to check in anymore or open any Jagex emails telling me how wonderful it is.

I learned a new actual craft and should spend my time doing that anyway. will prob play til memb runs out.

40 - 50 percent? really where did those numbers come from? because everyone I have seen is actually working.

You made it so, I had to buy armour I don't have money for, and then as I start finally getting close enough through in game work, you decide that Joe Blow over here can just buy some bonds and get instant wealth for that armour that I still can't afford, then he will even have to wait until he gets stats for it.

MMG, I dislike you very much and have ever since the flagstaff and the comment you made about the most adament players just bc they could travel across the pond with disposable income. What little disposable income I have had I have spent it on this game like an idiot.

25-Sep-2013 18:08:09

Rex Caeli

Rex Caeli

Posts: 268 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sounds very interesting, and i'm really curious to see the effect ingame. Will it ban gold farming 100%? I doubt it, since some people (I really despise them) will always find mechanisms to get around possible solutions.

Anyway, sounds like another big step forward in the war against botting. So a big thumbs up from me! Also like the fact that this news is brought to us by mod mmg, always good to see a CEO stand close to it's customers.

Thanks for the update, and hopefully it turns out to be very efficient.

Completionist cape owner as of 14/10/2015 :)
Master quest cape owner as of 25/12/2015 :)

25-Sep-2013 18:08:12

Jul Member 2010


Posts: 401 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Guys, what a great idea. I know for a matter of fact that similar systems exist in other MMO's (most notably is probably Guild Wars 2 with their Gems system, but there are also others) and in those games, it works. When I read the first few sentences, I immediately thought of the danger for merchanting, but only a few lines later there was already an explanation how this problem was tackled.

What is also important I think, is the way you explained it. What a great example of good communication with the community. There will surely be questions and I am pretty sure that there will be adjustments made on the system based on experience and feedback of the community, but it seems that this system is thoroughly thought through and from what I can see, this is something all (legit) players will benefit from. Good thing that you outlined the most prominent situations and explained the effects for them. I, myself, will be in the category that will mostly ignored it, but the consequences will definitely be something I will benefit from in the long run.

I assume there will always be people trying to look at the bad sides of this and surely there are negative things one can think of, but this is a solution that seems to be very well designed and it has given me a lot of new hope for the future of Runescape in general.

Join Clan Quest , we have
! All hail Brassica Prime!

25-Sep-2013 18:08:25

Zippy Rambo
Oct Member 2023

Zippy Rambo

Posts: 746 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Please explain why a gold buyer would rather buy bonds than buy from a goldfarmer? Especially if the goldfarmer can offer a cheaper price per GeePee?

A price of a bond will depend on the market value placed by the community.

In a few months time, a bond could cost for a small price of 3m.

Which in term is good for the buyers, but bad for the sellers.

25-Sep-2013 18:09:53 - Last edited on 25-Sep-2013 18:10:21 by Zippy Rambo

Cym Sandusky

Cym Sandusky

Posts: 389 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I will not buying the gold bonds, don't think its worth it... but their is something I do like.. I am happy with them trying to get rid of the gold farmer accounts & some people might want them and gold farmers are scamer's. Heres my question: are you ladies and gents sure this will work? the gift idea is nice thro... question 2: could we use rs money for the bonds?

25-Sep-2013 18:10:11 - Last edited on 25-Sep-2013 18:21:37 by Cym Sandusky

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