I don't understand this. So are you telling me on top of what I pay for membership, I now have to buy runebonds if I want to trade in game items? errr couldn't we do that already.
I know hindsight is 20/20, but wouldn't it have been better to keep the trade limit than to give even more advantages to those who are wealthier.
Sounds like it is time for me to rage quit again, only I doubt I will bother to check in anymore or open any Jagex emails telling me how wonderful it is.
I learned a new actual craft and should spend my time doing that anyway. will prob play til memb runs out.
40 - 50 percent? really where did those numbers come from? because everyone I have seen is actually working.
You made it so, I had to buy armour I don't have money for, and then as I start finally getting close enough through in game work, you decide that Joe Blow over here can just buy some bonds and get instant wealth for that armour that I still can't afford, then he will even have to wait until he gets stats for it.
MMG, I dislike you very much and have ever since the flagstaff and the comment you made about the most adament players just bc they could travel across the pond with disposable income. What little disposable income I have had I have spent it on this game like an idiot.
25-Sep-2013 18:08:09