In the video, you said that you had identified 40-50% of your players had connections to RWTing on a monthly basis. So, you used that to justify selling bonds.
How about, instead, you ban those 40-50% of the players. Yeah, sure it would be devastating to your bottom line, but isn't it better to go out in a blaze of glory, fighting for something you believe in than to do something you have spent years saying would be morally unacceptable?
I would be willing to pay double my current membership to make up for the 50% of the players you destroyed. As for the future of RWTing... When you show you are willing to half your own game's population to break the cheaters, that shows just how dedicated you are to victory. As a huge fan of the deterrence model of criminal justice, I feel this would send a rather powerful message.
(On an semi side note, a moral stance this strong would likely generate a lot of press. Could be a good way to get people to notice RS).
25-Sep-2013 18:05:35