You know, if Andrew had come up with this idea, I probably would have agreed it sounds like a good attempt to solve a bad situation, and thought to myself that it really was designed to help the players and the game. Like removing unbalanced trade back in the day.
However, this is Mark Liehard making the announcement, and he's just lied to us too many times and tried to tell us black is white too many times for anything he says to have a shred of credibility.
If Andrew had come up with it, I would have supported it, because his priority always was the gaming experience.
But it's MMG and IVP, so there's a sizeable chance that they're just telling us it will help the game, even hoping that it does help the game, but really the only thing it's guaranteed to help is in the bottom line for Jagex.
The first thing impression is that this is just Jagex trying to cash in on gold selling by getting people to buy from Jagex instead of gold farmers, and indeed encouraging gold buying by legitimizing it and ensuring participation in this cheating act to buy your way ahead goes way up.
Given MMG's record of lies, I find it difficult to shake this first impression. If this hurts the game - well, IVP and MMG won't really care as they roll around in their piles of cash.
More money for IVP and MMG has been the priority since they took over, even if it's at the expense of the game, and that is why I don't trust this update.
We shall see.
26-Sep-2013 03:01:40
- Last edited on
26-Sep-2013 03:05:59
Galahad Sir