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Bond – Obligations
Lets run the numbers:
150-170B gp added to game every day
3.700B was deleted this year. (270 days)
3.700B/270days= roughly 14b per day gets deleted.
14/150 to 14-170b gets deleted. So 8-9% gets deleted.
This means 91-92% of all daily added GP is either kept by farmers or sold to players.
About 80,000 people actively play runescape atm (information obtained by season highscores, i know it can be somewhat off but theres no other public info)
40% to 50% of them buy gold so
32.000 to 40.000 of them buy gold
Going by averages:
160b*0.91 = 145.6b sold to gold buying players every day
36.000 players buying that concludes gold buying players buy an average of 4 mil a day.
So how much will bonds be worth and What does it mean for our economy?
The poor player wanting to buy in-game advantage compares the price of the gold-farmer to the value of the bond, and chooses to buy the cheapest option. So bonds will be worth whatever Gold farmers will make the price per mil. This is currently about $0.30, making bonds worth 10 mil atm.
The rich player has no problem wasting some mills to save a few dollars. So rich players will be circulating existing GP to poor players and extend their membership, paid for by the poor player.
Players can now legally buy in-game advantages with money. A promise Jagex had earlier made to never do. So why did they do it?
Jagex stated that they can’t tackle this problem because of player demand for GP. Jagex states they did it to effectively destroy the business of gold farmers. But Let’* examine.
Poor players can now buy gold from a farmer or from a player. When the player buys it off the farmer the farmer gets money, when the player buys it off another player, he has paid jagex for a bond. The poor-player will choose for the cheapest option the prices will pretty much always level the same. As soon as the illegal market becomes cheaper,
26-Sep-2013 03:07:48