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Folks, I'm just gonna restate it here. Bonds
, I repeat,
DO NOT add gold into the game
. You can buy them for real money, but the bonds do not inject gold into the game. They are redeemed for out of game things like membership, sof spins, and runecoins.
At no time do these bonds inject gold into the RS economy
. It's a
gold sink
. It's a sure fire thing that billions of gold have already been removed from the game via exchanging them for bonds. I've checked W2, and there are people selling THOUSANDS of bonds. That's a LOT of gold gone from the game. Good work, Jagex. I do hope that people will stop panicking and quitting rs before being fully informed.
It doesn't matter,people still getting rsgp money from paying real life money, which is basically making a lot of money in a really short time, still not fair.
25-Sep-2013 17:59:36