so now i can basicly buy 30m worth of bonds for the same money as i get in night extras on my job in a day ...nice
If people would just play the game and not buy gold , that would stop the madness. Confuseuz says" Man who go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with smelly fingers".
Are you surprised that Bonds haven't revived the game as you thought they would? Well you shouldn't be, any long-time (legit) player could tell you it would only spur further declines in the game over the long term.
I invite MMG to stop by the Clan Leaders Forum to see numerous ideas on how to truly revive the community by those who know the community best - clan leaders. After nearly a year of neglect it might simply be too late to have any meaningful impact on the community, but if things are to ever turn around it will require including us.
Thank goodness Jagex decided to enter the RWT racket, but in true mafioso fashion they ban and outlaw competition like a good Sicilian family would to other competitors. Jamflex now officially has a monopoly on RWT. Grats guys, you are now officially out of touch with reality.
As much as I know we're all against RWT, there isn't really another way to deal with gold farmers. It's the unfortunate best solution.
The only problem I see with bonds is the fact that the price is going to constantly change. I really think it's necessary to set a price for them, and by this I mean have them sold by an NPC to make sure the price doesn't get too low.