This is interesting and I know you are doing a good fight, but I don't really approve this part:
"Nor do we don’t want to remove the half of the player-base that have bought gold (many of whom just want an occasional helping hand)."
So the players who already bought gold will be able to continue using their wealth?
Just have them all banned, or at least steal all of their wealth.
Or, instead of
punishing the players
that have
been buying their wealth
reward the players who didn't
I've had this account for almost 12 years now and this kinda makes me regret I never bought any gold
I have for sure wanted a 'helping hand' from time to time but I together with like half the player base did choose the way to stay loyal.
Give all the not-so-loyal players the title "
" that they wont we able to change, or maybe us legit players something that shows that we have fought for our wealth. A title is the least we could ask for.
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"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
^ Anyone else remember when this was in the official rules?
That was a long time ago before jagex put on their hypocrite cape!
Jagex went from lvl 0 in both Hypocrisy and Lying to lvl 99's in 2 seconds flat. Gratz Jagex! Where's the big "I got lvl 99's in both Hypocrisy and Lying" celebration going to be?
It has been going on for ages, remember when they did the rock-climbing boots update a few years ago? The fact that you didn't see it before doesn't mean it wasn't there.
Storing quest items in PoH
Even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die.
! I had 35m EOC money, and no membership, so I stacked up on bonds, 5 bonds = 70 day membership :3 Not that I'll be redeeming them at the same time, I'm going to wait for some intervals, and when I know I'll be on for the time, then I'll redeem a bond.. Then during Summer vacation I'll be maxing out on bonds... 5m left, and I can buy 1 more bond
sounds like i can use the bonds for converting gp into bonds so i can turn it into rune coin and get some of that cool stuff form solomans store . instead of using my cridit card to get rune coin ( witch i don't trust the internet when it comes to money . ) i like this ideal .
man kind redefined .