oh Thank you Hobbles14, let me see if I have got this...
Player A can use real life gp to purchase a bond and sell it to Player B and receive in game gp for it. Previously known in it's former as rwt purchasing in game gp for real life gp
Player B uses in game gp to purchase a bond that will enable them to purchase an item that previously could only be purchased in game using real life gp.
Player B may purchase the bond to obtain 14 days membership, 8 spins or 160 RuneCoins.
$6.00 AUS to buy 1 bond
$5.00 AUS to buy 200 runecoins
$8.20 1 month of membership
$5.00 10 spins
Ok I get it now, jagex is giving the rs community members with limited real life gp the opportunity to be real live bots for rs community members who have un limited real life gp...
Isn't that how it already is? only we swopping macro programs for real live people?
27-Sep-2013 10:07:34
- Last edited on
27-Sep-2013 10:12:28