Now that Jagex is into RWT, I suspect that this is just the first step in a two-step process:
I agree with the prediction that the gold farmers will undercut the price, and bond sales will suffer, and people will simply pay for membership, in game, with gold bought from other RWTers (BTW, I've never bought one GP from any of those filthy cheaters, and never would). So If the gold farmers undercut Jagex, step two might be to eliminate GP entirely, somehow. I'm not sure how, but I'll bet they have something cooking. Perhaps, they will make it so that all GP must go through Jagex, and will not be directly tradable for items on the GP? Perhaps all GP will be eliminated, and trade only will be allowed? Such as, you mine runite, and trade it for items, directly... or trade it for bonds, bought from Jagex? This would force players to only own Jagex bonds, and not be able to save GP money in game... and since gold farmers will not be able to sell bonds or items, Jagex will control everything, and profit in RW money, from everything in game. This must be their plan, which they are keeping from us.
Something is fishy. I don't think this is the end of this, because the way it is explained, I don't think it can work. I think Jagex has something up its game ruining, money grubbing, two-faced schwarmy video lying, 28,000 playing membership and falling, sleeves.
I do know one thing for certain: The 19 million GP item I just bought... two or three days ago... probably just went "****!". I'll bet anything it is worth half that, today.
26-Sep-2013 14:04:32