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I've been playing this game since 2004, and let me tell you, this is a step in the wrong direction. Selling gold to players to take out the gold farmers? So your solution is to become the gold farmers yourselves? That is ridiculous! Why not just ban all the players who have bought gold?! You say 40-50% of the community has purchased gold from gold-farmers, so you must know who these players are. Ban them, make an example, ban everyone in the future for doing the same, end of story; unless, of course, you're more concerned with profits...
Jagex is not selling gold and have no intention of doing so. Bonds offer players another option for trading freely with each other and this does not introduce new gold into the economy. The value of a bond is determined by players - whether it's placed on the Grand Exchange, given away as a gift to a friend, or as a reward to a loyal clan member, or traded for an item. However, none of these introduce gold or items to the economy that were not already present.
It does not bring new gold into the game you are correct, but people can still now unfairly gain or buy this gold through bonds and real life money, even if this is through other players themselves, you enabled them.
26-Sep-2013 13:33:04